1 APPLICATION FOR SEEKING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ON ANNUAL ACTION PLAN UNDER NHM FOR THE YEAR A PRESENTATION Submitted to: The Mission Director NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture and Co-operation Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Submitted by IFFCO FOUNDATION IFFCO House, 34 Nehru Place, New Delhi Phone: [+91-11] Fax: May 2009
2 IFFCO FOUNDATION Application for Seeking Financial Assistance on Annual Action Plan under NHM for the Year A Presentation May, 2009
3 S. No.ComponentsNo./ha.No. of districts covered 1.Small nursery409 2.Model nursery11 3.Area expansion Rejuvenation of old orchards Farmers Participatory Demonstration Organic Farming Pollination support through bee keeping Training and visit of farmers Gardener’s Training National/State/District level Seminars Post harvest Infrastructure and Management 6 * 6 * In progress IFFCO FOUNDATION Highlights of Achievements (Year 2006 to 2009) at a glance
4 Year Funds received (Rs. in Lakhs)Fund utilized (Rs. in Lakhs) Unspent balance66.75** ** Till March 2009 IFFCO FOUNDATION Utilization of fund
5 IFFCO FOUNDATION S.No.ComponentsTargetsAchievements PFPF 1(a).Establishment of Small Nursery (No.)* (b).Establishment of Big Nursery (No.) Establishment of New Gardens (ha) Rejuvenation of Senile Orchards (ha) Technology Dissemination through Demonstrations on vegetable crops (ha) P=Physical (ha or no.), F=Financial (Rs. In Lakhs) Physical and Financial Achievements of NHM ( as on )
6 S.No.ComponentsTargetsAchievements PFPF Protected Cultivation (a) Mulching (ha) (b) Shade net (c) Plastic tunnel Organic Farming (ha) IFFCO FOUNDATION P=Physical (ha or no.), F=Financial (Rs. In Lakhs)
7 IFFCO FOUNDATION S. No. ComponentsTargetAchievements PFPF 7.Pollination support through bee keeping HRD: (i) Gardener’s training (ii) Training of farmers within State (iii) Training of farmers outside State Seminars and workshops
8 IFFCO FOUNDATION PROGRESS OF NHM PROJECT FOR Utilization of Funds (Rs. in Lakhs) Funds ReceivedIst Installment IInd Installment87.35* Fund carried over from Total Funds Spent Total Fund Balance66.75 * The amount of Rs lakhs received on 25 th March 2009
9 Dr. C. V. Ananda Bose, Additional secretary ( A & C), GOI, delivering inaugural address on the occasion of National Conference on July 23, 2008
10 Newly established Model nursery in Khagaria district of Bihar
11 Rejuvenated guava orchard in Ghazipur district of UP
12 Rejuvenated aonla tree in Jaunpur district of UP
13 Rejuvenated mango tree profusely bearing fruits in Khagaria district of Bihar
14 Vegetable demonstration in Khagaria district of Bihar
15 Pollination support through honey bee keeping in Jaunpur district of UP
16 Farmers of Unnao district interacting with scientists during training
17 Protected cultivation of bottle gourd under shade-net in Kushinagar district of UP
18 IFFCO FOUNDATION PROPOSED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR Components 1.Plantation infrastructure and development 1.1 Small nurseries 1.2 Model nursery 2. Establishment of new gardens (i) Fruits (2 nd and 3 rd year installment) (ii) Cut flowers, loose flowers and spices 3. Rejuvenation of existing mango orchards 4. Technology Dissemination through Demonstrations 5. Pollination support through bee keeping 6. Human Resource Development in Horticulture 7. Extension, quality awareness and market led extension activities including seminars and workshops 8. Innovative (i) Empowering rural women through sustainable livelihood management in UP and Bihar (ii) Promotion of Horticulture through farmers participation 9. Mission Management Monitoring and Evaluation of NHM Programme
19 IFFCO FOUNDATION StateDistrictsCrops U.P8Mango, Guava, Aonla, Banana, Ber,Litchi Bihar3Mango, Guava, Litchi, Banana,Bael Haryana1Guava, Aonla, Ber, Bael 1.1 Production and Distribution of Planting Material
20 IFFCO FOUNDATION Financial Assistance Needed (Rs. In Lakhs) Type of Nursery No.Establishment Cost/nursery Total cost Small20360
21 Type of NurseryNo.Establishment Cost/nursery Total cost ( Rs. in Lakhs ) Model Nursery IFFCO FOUNDATION
22 IFFCO FOUNDATION 2. Establishment of New Gardens Total Physical Achievement for the Year (including carry over of ): ha Financial assistance 20% of total Financial Target (2nd Installment; x Rs 4500) : Rs26.21 Lakhs Financial Assistance 30% of total financial target (3 rd installment ; x Rs.6750 ) : Rs Lakhs Total financial assistance required Rs Lakhs + Rs Lakhs = Rs Lakhs
23 IFFCO FOUNDATION Financial assistant needed = Rs x30 =4.50 Lakhs 3. Improvement/ Rejuvenation of Existing Orchards STATESDISTRICTSNAME OF THE CROP AREA( IN HA.) UP6Guava and Aonla20 Bihar3Mango and Litchi10 Total 9 30
24 IFFCO FOUNDATION 4. Technology Dissemination through Demonstrations StatesDistrictsArea (ha) U.P.4 50 Bihar3 40 Haryana1 10 Total8100 Financial assistance required: Rs12,500X100=Rs Lakhs
25 IFFCO FOUNDATION 5. Pollination support through bee-keeping (boxes) StatesDistrictsNo. of bee- hives CropsAmount in lakh U.P.31300Aonla, Jamun, Papaya Bihar2700Litchi, Jamun, Papaya 5.60 Total Financial assistance required Rs Lakhs
26 IFFCO FOUNDATION 6. Human Resource Development (i) Gardener’s Training S.No. Description Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) 1.Stipend for 6 months for 25 trainees (2 courses) Course per trainee Operational Support 5.00 Total7.525 Financial assistance required Rs Lakhs
27 IFFCO FOUNDATION 6.1 Human Resource Development (ii)&(iii)Training & Visit of Farmers S.No.ProgrammeAmount (Rs. in Lakhs) 1.Farmers training and visit within state 2000x Farmers training and visit outside state 1500x Total Financial assistance required Rs Lakhs
28 IFFCO FOUNDATION Financial assistance required Rs Lakhs 7. Extension, quality awareness and market-led extension activities including seminars and workshops StateNational LevelState LevelDistrict LevelAmount (Rs. In Lakhs) Delhi U.P Bihar Total
29 IFFCO FOUNDTIONA 8.Innovative Ideas and concepts of Horticulture Development 8.1 Empowering rural women through sustainable livelihood management in UP and Bihar Resources needed (i) For Kitchen garden 10 Rs per unit = Rs (ii) Vermicompost 10 Rs per unit = Rs Financial assistance required = Rs IFFCO FOUNDATION
Promotion of Horticulture through farmers participation (i) Budgetary support = Rs (ii) Support to institution for strengthening infrastructure = Rs Total assistance required = Rs. 12 Lakhs IFFCO FOUNDATION
31 IFFCO FOUNDATION COMPONENTSAMOUNT (Rs. in Lakhs) PLANTATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT: 1.1 Production and distribution of planting material – Small Nurseries 1.2 Model nursery 2.1.Establishment of new gardens (2 nd Installment and 3 rd installment ) 2.2 Cut flowers,loose flowers and spices 3. Rejuvenation of existing orchards 4. Technology dissemination through demonstrations 5. Pollination support through bee keeping 1.8 Human Resource Development in Horticulture (i) Gardener’s training (ii)Training and visit of farmers 7. EXTENSION, QUALITY AWARENESS & MARKET LED EXTENSION INCLUDING SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS (NO.) 8. INNOVATIVE (i) Empowering rural women through sustainable livelihood management in UP and Bihar (ii) Promotion of Horticulture through farmers participation 9. MISSION MANAGEMENT TOTAL: