2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Stormwater Water Quality Land & Water Bay IssuesStewardship
When it rains, all of the land that drains into a particular stream or water body is called
What is a Watershed?
A surface that water can’t drain through, such as a parking lot or a roof, is called.....
What is an impervious surface?
Scientists develop accurate estimates of the number of crabs in the Bay by sampling during winter when blue crabs are buried in the mud. Which two years showed the greatest decline AND what are two factors affecting crab populations? Total Number of Crabs in the Bay
What are 1999 & 2001? Crab populations decline due to: habitat degradation (i.e. loss of underwater grass beds) harvesting pressure/economics predation (e.g. striped bass) climatic changes 2008 management efforts of controlled catch limits and specific closed harvest dates have resulted in blue crab increases in 2009 & 2010!
Storm drains lead directly into..
What are creeks or streams? Never throw anything down a storm drain!
Businesses, farmers & even homeowners can help reduce run off by using Best M______________ ______________.
What are Best Management Practices (BMPs)? Pooping in stream! Fence needed! Ex: sediment retention ponds, silt fence, filter strips, rain gardens... These keep soil, oil vehicle fluids, pesticides, excess fertilizer and manure from running off land into water bodies.
Because they don’t move far, studying the diversity & abundance of snails, crustaceans, insects & worms is a good way to measure the health of streams & rivers. These bottom-dwelling organisms are called _____ _____________.
What are Benthic Macroinvertebrates?
Worms, crabs, fish and other invertebrates extract this gas from water flowing over their gills.
What is Dissolved Oxygen?
This pollutant is one of the largest contributors to the poor water quality in the Bay. Because the particles are so small, they’re carried long distances during storms.
What is Sediment? Cloudy water blocks the light reaching Bay grasses, thus young fish and crabs have no where to hide from predators.
Too much ___________ and __________ (plant nutrients) can cause algae blooms.
What are nitrogen and phosphate? As algae die, they sink to the bottom where decomposing bacteria feed on them. These bacteria use up dissolved oxygen necessary for life underwater making it difficult for other organisms to survive (anoxia).
What is the best way to keep the soil on this farm from washing down the hill into a stream?
What is plant a cover crop? The roots of this crops hold soil particles on site, reducing erosion and run off into streams.
Suburban sprawl leads to more impervious surfaces. When rain hits these surfaces, what increases and ends up in the Bay?
What is stormwater runoff?
During what time of the day is dissolved oxygen the lowest? Explain why. Potomac River Percent Dissolved Oxygen (%) % Dissolved Oxygen Saturation Daily Double Algae & aquatic plants produce dissolved oxygen during photosynthesis Algae & aquatic plants produce dissolved oxygen during photosynthesis.
What is 6am or early morning? Dissolved Oxygen(DO) is used by living organisms during the day & night for cellular respiration. DO is not produced by algae & aquatic plants at night.
In the jar shown, a sample of soil from a stream bed was mixed with stream water and then allowed to settle for 24 hours. The jar serves as a model for what process?
What is deposition of sediment? Making sure stream banks and shorelines have plants with deep roots, helps to reduce erosion
The gravitational force between Earth and the Moon is responsible for the ________(s) in the Chesapeake Bay.
What are tides?
Most water leaves the Chesapeake Bay through evaporation and returns to the Bay through _______________
What is precipitation?
What is the largest nutrient source that’s placed on the land in our watershed?
What is Manure?
Wastewater discharged from _________ _______________ __________ is the second largest source of nitrogen pollution in the Bay.
What are Sewage Treatment Plants? When~12 million of the 17 million residents of the Bay watershed flush their toilets, the wastewater goes to STPs, which discharge into the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. More then 2/3 of these STPs don’t remove the nitrogen effectively.
What grade did the closest tributary to your school receive in 2009? Was this a health increase or decrease?
What Is the Potomac River received a ‘C’? Potomac River health increased from a ‘C-’ in 2008 The overall health of Chesapeake Bay, assessed using water quality and biotic indicators, was the best it has been since 2002.
The Chesapeake Bay watershed is home to over 17 million people and covers how many states?
What is... Six? Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia — and the entire District of Columbia.
_________ are transitional zones between land and water. They provide critical habitats for bird, amphibians, mammals and invertebrates and filter pollutants.
What are Wetlands? Stormwater runoff from urban and suburban lands, is the fastest-growing source of pollution to the Bay. Wetlands help filter pollutants and sediment from run off. Wetlands of any size are important habitats.
Planting ______ is one of the best ways to reduce the amount of stormwater running off your schoolyard.
What are Trees?
By adding nutrient rich compost to your lawn & garden, your soil will be healthier and you can eliminate the need for ____________.
What is Fertilizer? Fertilizer contains nitrogen and phosphorus which when used in excess, can run off into nearby streams and on to the Bay. Natural organic based slow –release are best. Adding organic material is better!
Before you apply any fertilizer to your lawn or garden, what should you do first?
What is.... Test Your Soil? You want to know exactly what nutrients are present before you considered adding more. VA Tech Cooperative Extension offers soil testing for the whole state.
A _________ garden is an area of land designed to retain stormwater and slowly release it to the groundwater.
What is a Rain Garden? Rain gardens allow stormwater from impervious surfaces to be absorbed. Pollutants like motor oil, antifreeze, fertilizer and sediment will soak into the ground and not flow into local streams.
Can high school students report erosion & sediment control violations on a construction site in Prince William County?
What is YES! The Pr. Wm. County Dept. of Public Works is happy to hear from all citizens. An inspection will be sent out to investigate the violation.