SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 SWG-ARD Meeting June 23, 2014 Secretariat’s presentation
Content SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 Update on SSWG activities / achievements since last meeting SSWG – Uplands SSWG – Agribusiness SSWG – Agro Biodiversity PRC – Policy Think Tank MAF - Project Management Division (PMD) ToR and main mandate Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Round Table Implementation Meeting (RTIM) Implementation and monitoring of the VD-CAP SWG Report to the MPI Focus on research in the ARD sector
SSWG Uplands SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, Preparation of Uplands Development Strategy Action Plan & Investment Plan Action Plan: consultation through focus group meetings and bilateral discussions with key ministries and DPs; Investment Plan: First draft is now completed and presented to SSWG-Uplands on 24 June 2014; 2.Uplands research activities approved research proposals: 13 policy research studies: 10 through the Open Call and 3 through NAFRI/LARF; : Open call for research proposals is underway; 3.Provincial coordination / SSWG-Up meetings Northern province: meeting topics to address specific issues within their respective province and dates for the meeting were identified for Phongsaly, Luangprabang and Huaphanh; Southern province: Attapeu identified meeting topics. Next meeting on the 24 th of June will be dedicated to policy dialogue (UDS Actions & Investment Plans and Summary of policy recommendations based on research results from research financed by NUDP)
SSWG Agribusiness SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, Support the development of Farmer Organizations (FOs) Supported the establishment of Lao Farmers Network (LFN) - a network of 17 FO from 12 Provinces; Supported organisational development of LFN and farmers exchange workshop on sustainable agriculture in Khoun; 2. Capitalisation on farmers’ and agribusiness development A study on ‘approaches on supporting farmers organizations’ was done and findings shared with the SSWG members ; Cases of “Public Private Partnership in Agriculture” capitalized and a guideline developed (by GIZ); 3. Information sharing and discussions Continued operation of online discussion forum: LaoFAB and Lao LINK; Continued operation and upgrading of online document repository: LaoFAB and Lao44.
SSWG Agro Biodiversity SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 Area covered and discussed 1. Status, utilization, management and development of Medicinal Plant (MP) in Lao PDR Laws and regulations relevant to Local people, Industries, Regulatory Authorities; Measures for promoting the registration of industries and products; Awareness on the importance of conservation of MP resource for future generation; Management, effective and sustainable cultivation, extraction, production and use of MP; Industries’ contribution to the sustainable use of natural resources. 2. Lao rice biodiversity, rice breeding, certified/GI production of KhaoGaiNoi Rice Various local varieties have been promoted and rice breeders are now starting to give more interest to Lao local genetic. Khao Kai Noi is now being purified and selected in XKH and HPN. The aim is to develop a certified seed production system used by growers in these 2 Provinces: relying on GoL stations and seed producers association. A Protected Geographical Indication (GI) system is considered.
Policy Think Tank (PTT) SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 NAFRI Policy Brief No. 17/2014 disseminated through NAFRI channel and negotiations under progress for dissemination by the MoH, through Nutrition Center / Education and Information Center (next presentation); Capacity Development report of PTT completed; Research Proposal on Contract Farming submitted to IFAD, under revision after comments received. Research to be led by CAP Vietnamese Research Institution; Research Proposal on High Value Chains for Uplands completed and to be submitted to IFAD for funding. Research to be led by teams of NUOL and MAF; Livestock and Livestock products development; Benzoin resin scientific exploitation and marketing aspects; Presentation of PTT completed in three venues: 15 th Anniversary Conference at NAFRI, IWMI/WLE meeting and workshop on Pathways to access CC finances.
MAF – DOPC* Project Management Division (1) SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 The PMD is part of the MAF DOPC* The PMD main function is to “coordinate with relevant stakeholders to establish mechanisms to manage, support monitor and evaluate ODA projects in the ARD sector”: Promote alignment and harmonization Manage and centralize information systems Facilitate procurement and ease assets management Capitalize & disseminate experience and lessons learnt Propose structural adjustment plans, budget and procurement plans complying with law and regulations in force * The Department of Planning and Cooperation (DoPC) is made of 8 Divisions and 1 IT Center => Administration => Finance => Planning => Project Management Division => Agricultural Investment => Vietnam, China Cooperation => Economic Integration => International Cooperation => Statistic & Information Center The PMD was created in 2012, MAF Agreement No / DOE, dated 09/8/2012
Project Management Division (2) Structure SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 The Project Management Division consists of 3 Sections and 6 Units as bellow 1.The section of monitoring and evaluation of project (ODA) The monitoring and evaluation promotion unit The coordination unit 2.The section of Financial Management and project procurement (ODA) The financial and procurement unit The account and bookkeeping monitoring unit 3.The section of Management Information System (MIS) The Analysis and Research Unit (GIS / RS) The Management and Information Services Unit
Project Management Division (3) focus on PROMIS SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 Management and harmonization of M&E tools and standard Background: With support of FAO, a Project Management Information System (ProMIS) was developed to build MAF M&E capacity in line with the government policy and the Vientiane Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Objectives Standardize Logical Framework for monitoring projects within Agriculture & Forestry Sector Develop Tool for recording data and generating various reports on Project Monitoring The methodology of ProMIS system development relies on five components 1. Institutional component: (i)Ministerial instruction on ProMIS system was issued providing policy framework and transitional mandatory use of ProMIS functions; (ii) The PMD was established for managing and implementing the system. 2. Method: (i) M&E methods and tools must focus on results against planned targets; (ii) ProMIS is developed, (iii) Pilot implementation in 3 provinces. 3. Training of MAF Staff: over 260 staff trained (central and local level); 4. Reporting: (i) Quarterly progress reports; (ii) Annual reports; (iii) Customized query based reports; 5. Mainstream ProMIS system and make it gradually adopted by all ODA projects. * PROMIS is still under development and currently used by one ODA project (SSSJ)
Project Management Division (5) M&E, questions and way forward SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, Insufficient attention on LFA in design and implementation leads to weak M&E; - Government staff, particularly at sub-national levels receive limited training on M&E. the limited number of DAFO and PAFO staff across large ODA projects, each with own M&E requirements, limits effectiveness of M&E within and across sector; + Harmonized M&E system should provide potential and opportunities for improving capacity of MAF units for effective M&E; + As capacities develop and M&E system rolled out beyond pilot areas, MAF should gradually manage projects through better informed decision making. + M&E system development should strengthen MAF’s capacity for national ownership and management by providing a policy framework for harmonizing and integrating M&E of ODA funded projects into MAF management process. Question / to be discussed: Establish a M&E working team within the MAF (?): Technical forum for knowledge exchange which will support the MAF in the monitoring, evaluation and reporting on projects under its mandate.
VD-CAP and RTIM SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 The VDCAP was revised through multi stakeholders’ consultation starting in 2013; The revised VDCAP consists of 13 actions and 27 indicators classified under five principles as per the Paris Declaration. Some indicators reflect commitments and actions as specified under the Busan Framework. Numbers of key indicators have been changed for easy reference; The VDCAP monitoring framework was developed and aims to: Support accountability for the implementation of the VDCAP commitments and actions; Stimulate multi-stakeholder dialogue at national and sectoral levels on how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of development co-operation; Promote agreements on specific actions that are needed to enhance successful implementation of VDCAP and support accountability at country level The VDCAP monitoring framework includes forms to be filled by the MoF, MOFA, SWGs and DPs. The final, official version will be shared by the MPI soon and posted on our website.
Form to be filled by the SWG for the RTIM, available as handout The SWG secretariat will collect and compile these information SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 Key indicatorsProgress report on each VDCAP indicator by SWGs 1.Government progress reports show level of achievement against NSEDP and MDG targets and indicators For assessment of this indicator, SWGs are required to submit their annual sector review reports. The reports should, at the minimum level, capture progress toward their goals and targets and corrective actions taken. 3.Reviews and forward planning linked to the NSEDP, MDGs and sectoral plans are led by the Government and carried out through a broadly inclusive and consultative process, including through SWGs and with civil society and the private sector Similar to indicator 1, for assessment of this indicator, SWGs are required to submit their annual sector review reports, the reports should, at the minimum level, capture how SWGs review, plan and monitoring/evaluation are handled. Narrative should cover The timeliness with which SWG documents (plans, review reports, etc..) where disseminated for review, The level to which inputs were reflected, Agreed upon number of consultation meetings held and various stakeholders taking part during the process. 3.% of SWGs that submit timely reports and make inputs for the RT(I)M and its background document, including information on south-south cooperation, cooperation at sub- national levels, and capacity development initiatives For assessment of this indictor, SWGs are required to submit annual sectoral progress reports based on agreed upon timeframe. Apart from what SWGs need to highlight as per indicator 1 and 3, for indicator 4, SWG annual progress report should capture information on south-south cooperation cooperation at sub-national levels (SWG level) capacity development initiatives 23.% of SWGs conducting joint annual sector reviews with all relevant stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector. SWGs are required to highlight where their annual reviews are jointed done with relevant stakeholders including civil societies and private sector. If yes, please provide a minute of annual review If no, please indicate if any corrective plan for the next annual review 25.Recommendations from RT process implemented. Please refer to Annex 3 for detailed recommendations from the 11 th HL RTM 2013 which are relevant to SWGs. Each SWG should report progress and update on the status of the implementation of the recommendations arising from the 11 th HL RTM 2013 as part of their preparation of the sector annual progress reports 27.% of SWGs that include participants from all concerned stakeholders in their regular meetings and related activities. DescriptionNumberRemark SWGs organized during the year Please provide minutes of all meetings SWGS organized where there are wider representatives from other stakeholders apart from their normal members
Focus on research in the ARD sector SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014 Research funds, topics, opportunities and initiatives are plenty and are scattered; We report below some significant research stakeholders in the ARD sector, more information on them and links are available on our website At government level NAFRI is the main body, often working in collaboration with the National University of Laos, the National Economic Research Institute, the Water Resources Environmental Agency and the DAEC; Some important international and regional research partners of NAFRI are: ACIAR, CIAT, IWMI, IRRI, CIFOR, RECOFTC, RRI, Sumernet, CIRAD, and IRD; Development partners and international organizations conduct and/or order research in the ARD sector, mainly for programming and M&E purpose: SDC, EU, JICA, AUSAID, GIZ, WB, ADB; CSOs conduct research in the framework of their projects, usually focus on applied research and linked to their interventions: GRET, SNV, OXFAM, LIWG, SAEDA, LBA, Helvetas, CARE, Save the Children; There are also foundations research: Foundation Merieux, Pasteur Institute, Asia Foundation.
Thank you Some important contacts (June 2014) Secretariat SWG-ARD Secretariat SSWG Secretariat SSWG Agri-Business: Secretariat SSWG Agrobiodiversity Coordinator Policy Think MAF-DIC SWG-ARD Web site: SWG-ARD / Vientiane / June 23, 2014
Lao Extension for Agriculture Project (LEAP) Movie