Project Summary
Stakeholders (another look):
Stakeholder Analysis: Stakeholder and basic characteristics Interests and how affected by the problem Capacity and motivation to bring about change Possible actions to address stakeholder interests Community Liaisons (local leaders) Personally concerned about the rates of Diabetes, Obesity and other diet-related illnesses in their communities Knows people from their community personally suffering from these ailments or suffer from them themselves Will be partially responsible for the maintenance and sustainability of the greenspaces after completion Capacity to mobilize volunteer labor from some of the work packages in the project Knowledge necessary to give input on fitting the needs of the community Project Managers will meet with liaisons bi-weekly to insure their consistent empowerment in the decision making process Identify develop alternative income sources For some activities, liaisons will be given approval authority QFC department of Corporate Social Responsibility Complete a project that will improve the image of QFC in the region Complete a project that will impress the overall administration of QFC Will be partially responsible for the maintenance and sustainability of the greenspaces after completion Have $250,000 in funds allocated to the Community Greenspace Project Limited knowledge of needs specific to target communities Project Managers will meet with the head of QFC CSR on a bi-weekly basis to give detailed reports on where the project is in terms of budget and schedule as well as to seek consultation when appropriate. Community Groups Some individuals will decide to become gardeners and grow food on the plots Some individuals are at risk for obesity or diabetes or need to maintain a diet because they suffer from these diseases Will be partially responsible for the maintenance and sustainability of the greenspaces after completion Limited access to capital Ability to contribute to the project in the form of volunteer labor. High knowledge of community needs Project Managers will receive feedback from and give information to individuals in community groups via liaisons For some tasks individuals from community groups will give consultation directly to liaisons
LogFrame Matrixes:
Project Description (1.0) IndicatorsSource of Verification Assumptions To contribute to improved health, particularly of under 5s and the general health of the river ecosystem. Incidence of water-borne diseases reduced by 30% by 2012, specifically among low income families who live by the river. Municipal hospital and clinic records collected by mobile health teams. Improved quality of river water. Concentration of e. coli reduced by 20% (compared to levels in 2003) and meets national health and sanitation standards by Monthly water quality surveys conducted by the EPA and the River Authority. -The Clean River legislation is introduced by the EPA and enforced --Up river water quality remains unchanged 1.1 Reduced volume of fecal waste discharged into river 1.2 Reduced volume of household refuse directly dumped into the river system % of household fecal waste is disposed of via latrines or sewage connections. 1.2 … 1.1 Annual sample survey conducted by municipality between 2009 and Waste water treatment meets national standards -fishing cooperatives meet obligations to establish waste collection systems Conduct baseline survey of households Prepare and deliver public awareness campaign Prepare engineering specifications for latrines and expanded sewage network Etc Etc Baseline data (Knowledge Practice Coverage) for household waste management exists Schedule of visits of mobile teams completed Engineering plans approved by Ministry of Public Works Etc month progress report Extension team progress reports Approved project charter from the Ministry of Public Works Etc. -Municipal budgets for improvements to sewage systems remain unchanged. Goal Objectives/ Outcomes Deliverables/ Outputs Activities
Project Description (2.0) IndicatorsSource of Verification Assumptions To contribute to improved health, particularly of under 5s and the general health of the river ecosystem. Incidence of water-borne diseases reduced by 30% by 2012, specifically among low income families who live by the river. Municipal hospital and clinic records collected by mobile health teams. Improved quality of river water. Concentration of e. coli reduced by 20% (compared to levels in 2003) and meets national health and sanitation standards by Monthly water quality surveys conducted by the EPA and the River Authority. -The Clean River legislation is introduced by the EPA and enforced --Up river water quality remains unchanged 1.1 Reduced volume of fecal waste discharged into river 1.2 Reduced volume of household refuse directly dumped into the river system % of household fecal waste is disposed of via latrines or sewage connections. 1.2 … 1.1 Annual sample survey conducted by municipality between 2009 and Waste water treatment meets national standards -fishing cooperatives meet obligations to establish waste collection systems Conduct baseline survey of households Prepare and deliver public awareness campaign Prepare engineering specifications for latrines and expanded sewage network Etc Etc Baseline data (Knowledge Practice Coverage) for household waste management exists Schedule of visits of mobile teams completed Engineering plans approved by Ministry of Public Works Etc month progress report Extension team progress reports Approved project charter from the Ministry of Public Works Etc. -Municipal budgets for improvements to sewage systems remain unchanged. Goal Objectives/ Outcomes Deliverables/ Outputs Activities
Project Description (3.0) IndicatorsSource of Verification Assumptions To contribute to improved health and economic success of inner-city communities lacking access to fresh and organic produce. Incidence of water-borne diseases reduced by 30% by 2012, specifically among low income families who live by the river. (What are our indicators?) Municipal hospital and clinic records collected by mobile health teams. Improved quality of diets in these communities. Concentration of e. coli reduced by 20% (compared to levels in 2003) and meets national health and sanitation standards by Monthly water quality surveys conducted by the EPA and the River Authority. -Communities will change their diets to incorporate fresh produce --Up river water quality remains unchanged 1.1 Build 3 sustainable community gardens in communities lacking access to fresh and organic produce % of all community households tend a garden and consume their produce 1.2 … 1.1 Annual sample survey conducted by municipality between 2009 and Waste water treatment meets national standards -fishing cooperatives meet obligations to establish waste collection systems 1.0 Lease Land 2.0 Build and Sow Garden 3.0 Develop and deliver communications plan 5.0 Transfer Gardens to Community Baseline data (Knowledge Practice Coverage) for household waste management exists Schedule of visits of mobile teams completed Engineering plans approved by Ministry of Public Works Etc month progress report Extension team progress reports Approved project charter from the Ministry of Public Works Etc. -Municipal budgets for improvements to sewage systems remain unchanged. Goal Objectives/ Outcomes Deliverables/ Outputs Activities
Project Description (4.0) IndicatorsSource of Verification Assumptions To contribute to improved health, particularly of under 5s and the general health of the river ecosystem. Incidence of water-borne diseases reduced by 30% by 2012, specifically among low income families who live by the river. Municipal hospital and clinic records collected by mobile health teams. Improved quality of river water. Concentration of e. coli reduced by 20% (compared to levels in 2003) and meets national health and sanitation standards by Monthly water quality surveys conducted by the EPA and the River Authority. -The Clean River legislation is introduced by the EPA and enforced --Up river water quality remains unchanged 1.1 Reduced volume of fecal waste discharged into river 1.2 Reduced volume of household refuse directly dumped into the river system % of household fecal waste is disposed of via latrines or sewage connections. 1.2 … 1.1 Annual sample survey conducted by municipality between 2009 and Waste water treatment meets national standards -fishing cooperatives meet obligations to establish waste collection systems Conduct baseline survey of households Prepare and deliver public awareness campaign Prepare engineering specifications for latrines and expanded sewage network Etc Etc Baseline data (Knowledge Practice Coverage) for household waste management exists Schedule of visits of mobile teams completed Engineering plans approved by Ministry of Public Works Etc month progress report Extension team progress reports Approved project charter from the Ministry of Public Works Etc. -Municipal budgets for improvements to sewage systems remain unchanged. Goal Objectives/ Outcomes Deliverables/ Outputs Activities
Project Description (5.0) IndicatorsSource of Verification Assumptions To contribute to improved health, particularly of under 5s and the general health of the river ecosystem. Incidence of water-borne diseases reduced by 30% by 2012, specifically among low income families who live by the river. Municipal hospital and clinic records collected by mobile health teams. Improved quality of river water. Concentration of e. coli reduced by 20% (compared to levels in 2003) and meets national health and sanitation standards by Monthly water quality surveys conducted by the EPA and the River Authority. -The Clean River legislation is introduced by the EPA and enforced --Up river water quality remains unchanged 1.1 Reduced volume of fecal waste discharged into river 1.2 Reduced volume of household refuse directly dumped into the river system % of household fecal waste is disposed of via latrines or sewage connections. 1.2 … 1.1 Annual sample survey conducted by municipality between 2009 and Waste water treatment meets national standards -fishing cooperatives meet obligations to establish waste collection systems Conduct baseline survey of households Prepare and deliver public awareness campaign Prepare engineering specifications for latrines and expanded sewage network Etc Etc Baseline data (Knowledge Practice Coverage) for household waste management exists Schedule of visits of mobile teams completed Engineering plans approved by Ministry of Public Works Etc month progress report Extension team progress reports Approved project charter from the Ministry of Public Works Etc. -Municipal budgets for improvements to sewage systems remain unchanged. Goal Objectives/ Outcomes Deliverables/ Outputs Activities
Risk Assessment:
Work Breakdown Structure (in the form of a list): Community Greenspace Project Lease Land 1.Identify Land Options 1.Consult with stakeholders (RACI) 2.Write up community needs 3.Locate land options with QFC real estate agent 2.Complete Environmental Assessment 1.Research Environmental Assessment firms 2.Hire Environmental Assessment firm 3.Acquire licenses and permits from city 4.Sign-off on Environmental Assessment 3.Sign Lease 1.Develop lease terms 2.Negotiate lease terms 3.Process transaction Build and Sow Garden 1.Complete Planning 1.Complete plan to clear debris 2.Complete plan for fertilizer requirements 3.Complete plan for irrigation system 4.Complete plan for material build out 5.Complete plan to sow garden 2.Purchase materials (other than contractor’s construction) 1.Purchase and transport supplies to clear debris (gloves, shovels) 2.Purchase fertilizer and soil 3.Purchase seeds 4.Purchase irrigation system materials 3.Prepare and Fertilize Soil 1.Clear Debris 1.Clear land with volunteer labor 2.Transfer debris 2.Fertilize Soil 1.Transfer fertilizer and soil to site 2.Spread fertilizer and soil 4.Complete Physical Construction 1.Install Irrigation System 1.Purchase irrigation system materials (i.e. hoses) 2.Install irrigation system with volunteers and contractors 2.Complete Material Build-out of Site 1.Select landscape contractor 2.Build shed 3.Build terraced garden 4.Secure site 5.Sow Garden 1.Source seed donations 2.Sow garden with community volunteers Develop Communications Plan 1.Communicate with Community Groups 1.Find community partners and corresponding liaisons 2.Create community PR plan with messaging 3.Create marketing plan with QFC marketing department 4.Build website 2.Inform Liaisons 1.Produce monthly newsletters 2.Maintain website 3.Produce messaging for ongoing communications 4.Conduct bi-weekly meetings with liaisons Project Management 1.Manage landscape contractor 2.Manage relationships with QFC CSR 3.Manage marketing plan roll-out with QFC marketing department 4.Ongoing reporting and communications with stakeholders 5.Evaluation Project Close-out (transfer to community –City or non-profit entity) 1.Complete sustainability plan (i.e. ongoing maintenance and use etc., etc…) 2.Consult with stakeholders (i.e. community groups, departments of local government, community liaisons, etc.)
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