CAROLINE BAUM JANUARY 17, 2010 ECI 524 Extension Activity 1 Children's Map Competition
“It’s Just One World” This map was created by a twelve year old boy who lives in Argentina. This map caught my attention because of how all of the continents were connected by vines. I thought it was very interesting that this young man understood how connected the world has become. After further examination, I also discovered that this twelve year old, understands that “we” are responsible for taking care of the earth. Like a planter tending to his garden, we need to understand that we have just “one world” and we need to nurture and look after our earth.
“We Want a Safe World” This map was created by a nine year old girl from Canada. It is very interesting that two of the most eye-catching objects of the picture are the title and the bunny. I believe that this little girl made a visual point by making her drawing of the earth not the focus of the picture. It is obvious that this girl is aware of the struggles and problems that surround our world. The artist expresses the desires of her generation. That they all way a better world. One in which all people feel safe.
“Communication” This drawing was created by an eleven year old boy from China. I found this map interesting because it shows that he understands how connected the world has become. The artist has been taught how technology has made communicating with the world easier. I also think that this young boy understands that through “communication” our world can become a better place.
“Peace by Piece” This map was created by a fifteen year old girl from Finland. This is my favorite picture. This girl has been taught that it is “us” to build a better world. We must all join together to build a more peaceful earth piece by piece. This map shows people of different nationalities working together for the common good.
“A Brighter Future” This map was created by a seven year old girl from Australia. I think that this artist is full of hope for the future. She has been taught that with the help of others peace in our world can be achieved. When is our world is surrounded by peace our future looks brighter.
“Untitled” This map was created by an eleven year old male from Qatar. This map is not titled but the message the author is trying to convey is strong. He has been taught that when the nations of the world join together peace will be brought to the world. He understands all humans, not matter race, gender or nationality need to come together to bring about change in our world.
“Untitled” This map was created by an eleven year old female from Saudi Arabia. When you view this picture closely you can see that what is connection continents to one another are hands embracing one another. This girl understands that arms of compassion need to be extended to every nation of the world. She also knows that when the world is connected great things will be achieved.
“Untitled” This map was created by a fifteen year old female from South Africa. This map is also very intriguing to me. The young woman is very knowledgeable of all the great leaders that have influenced the world. Her map is surrounded by pictures of Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana etc. Another interesting thing the artist did in her map is that every continent is made up of puzzle pieces. However, the puzzle pieces are all different flags from nations around the world. This young lady understands that each nation is made up of different people. People whose ancestors are from all parts of the world. She shows her audience that we need to be aware of how connected our world has become.
“Time to Change” This map was created by an eleven year old boy from Sweden. This powerful picture shows how divided our world has become. The artists expresses his understanding that it is time for our world to undergo a change. He knows that the world needs to take steps towards mending the division that has torn the world apart.
“Many Nations, One World “ This map was created by a nine year old female from the United Kingdom. Upon a closer look of the map, it can be seen that each continent is made up of a series of different flags from nations around the world. This artist understands that people of all different nationalities make up our world.
“The Sun is…” This map is created by a thirteen year old girl from the United States. In the center of the world she has written “The sun is always shining somewhere on earth…whether or not you see it.” Surrounding the world the artist has drawn famous landmarks of the world. I think that her picture is full of hope for the future. By reminding us that the sun is always shinning on some part for the world she is reminding her audience to think of the people who live in our world.