Digital Design Strategies and Techniques
Analog Building Blocks for Digital Primitives We implement logical devices with analog devices There is no magic element that acts like a NOR gate
Using a LUT to Implement Logic Function Most FPGA use a multiplexer(MUX) Look-Up Table (LUT) as a basic logical element The LUT is a versatile The LUT is efficiently implemented in silicon
Synthesis Example Overheat Detection
Discussion of Design Processing Steps Syntax checking It makes good sense to have several tools available for checking your code Design minimization and optimization Minimizing the Boolean expression Recognizing and removing redundant logic terms The design is converted to a netlist The design elements are linked together Black-box modules are replaced with library element Floor planning and routing
Shifty Logical Circuits The output is very likely to be glitchy when the input is changed The input is noisy signal that crosses the input threshold Use hysteresis
A parasite RC network delay the input signal Use a synchronous flipflop RC networks
Synchronous Logic Rules Metastability The setup time is the time period before clock edge of the synchronizing clock when the input is required to be stable The hold time is the time period after the synchronizing clock edge when the input is required to be stable If signal is changed between setup-hold window output is neither 1 nor 0
Asynchronous Input Problem A asynchronous signal is random phase related to the system clock Each asynchronous signal (FPGA input) should drive only ONE AND EXACTLY ONE FLIPFLOP
Asynchronous Problem Use a flipflop to synchronize a delayed output
Clock frequency Divide-by-Two circuit Rising edge of the clock must not occur before setup_time + output_delay + routing_delay The input clock had better not have frequency greater that MHz
Clock delay The clock to output delay for U1 is less than hold time for U2
Clock Skew Two flipflop connected in series If the clock skew is too long, then we’ll get the new value of U1 or we’ll violate the output of U2
Handling External Signals Signal arrive at synchronizing flipflop at different time Using a alternative clock edge
Logic Minimization A synchronizer will recognize and remove the redundant logical rules input test1,test2,test3; output sample; sample = (test1&test2&test3) | (test1&!test2&test3) | (test1&test2& !test3); = test1 & (test2|test3);
Logic Minimization The designers uses the synchronous techniques The ability of synthesizer is limited The synthesizer will not find the redundancy
What Synthesizer Do? The Synthesis tool take a Verilog HDL, and maps it into hardware Convert truth table into SOP(sum of products)
Area/Delay optimization The designers work will not be judged how perfect it is The goal of your quest is to achieve ‘good enough ‘ The expired designers always a way out of a problem by insuring that a faster or denser device is available in the same device footprint