Unit 2 Regulations and legal framework of ECTS introduction in Russian Federation
Bologna Process development in Russia: Russian Federation joined the Bologna Declaration in 2003; The Russian Ministry of Education and Science published decree no.40 of 15 February 2005, approving the Plan of Measures to implement the provisions of the Bologna Declaration within the higher professional education system,
General aims: establishment of a staged system of final degrees; promotion of mobility; improvement of employability; improvement of the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Bologna Process
comprehensible and comparable degrees; unitised programmes of study; ECTS and Diploma Supplements; European Framework of Qualifications; National System of Quality Assurance; European cooperation. Specific aims:
Regulations introduced and legal framework developed Decree of the Russian Ministry of Education no.40 of Russian Ministry of Education decree no. 126 of 25 April 2005 Decree no. 215 of the RF Ministry of Education of 29 July 2005, “On innovation activity at higher education institutions for the transfer to a system of credits” Decree of the Russian Ministry of Education no. 77 of 3 April 2006 Decree no. 173 of 30 June 2006 Decree of the Russian Ministry of Education no.71 of
Definition of professional education Federal Law of December 2012 defines the following degrees: Bachelor: study for at least 4 years; Specialist: study for at least 5 years; Master: study for at least 2 years.
improve transparency and comparability of study programs and qualifications; compare academic achievements; increase mobility of students; assure academic equality. ECTS objectives:
Advantages: possibility to enter the labour market after three years of university; chance to change university or programme after the Bachelor degree; Bachelor/Master degrees are recognized in most countries of the world; positive effects for the CV.
Development of academic/student mobility Letter of Rosobrnadzor of , N : according to International Agreement, Diplomas and Certificates of Foreign States conform to Russian documents of higher education avoiding the procedure of recognition.
Internationalization: abridged programmes; joint diploma; certificate.
References Law of the RF On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, 1996 Decree of the Russian Ministry of Education no.40 of Russian Ministry of Education decree no. 126 of 25 April 2005 Decree no. 215 of the RF Ministry of Education of 29 July 2005, “On innovation activity at higher education institutions for the transfer to a system of credits” Decree of the Russian Ministry of Education no. 77 of 3 April 2006 Decree no. 173 of 30 June 2006 Decree of the Russian Ministry of Education no.71 of Letter of Rosobrnadzor of , N