Action Title: Omics Technologies for Crop Improvement, Traceability, Determination of Authenticity, Adulteration and Origin in Saffron (SAFFRONOMICS) Action.


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Presentation transcript:

Action Title: Omics Technologies for Crop Improvement, Traceability, Determination of Authenticity, Adulteration and Origin in Saffron (SAFFRONOMICS) Action number: FA1101 Start date: 24/11/2011 End date: 23/11/2015 Year: Starting Marta Roldan-Medina Chair and Grant Holder Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)/ Spain

2 Scientific context and objectives (1/2) Background / Problem statement: Saffron is a profitable High Value Agricultural Product (HVAP ) of European in origin, cultural and historical background fits food-safety tendencies in Europe crisis a social crop that fixes population in the rural areas The European Saffron industry is in crisis. Little or null impact in the CAP Adulteration and fake are key problems. The scientific human power involved in Saffron RTD is petite. This crop requires global actions, overcoming private and national interests also outside EU borders. Brief reminder of MoU objectives: To build up a network of collaborative research on the structural organization of Saffron genome, DNA fingerprinting, chemical fingerprinting, proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics of this crop.The final objective is to preserve Crocus biodiversity, to carry out genetic improvement and to protect quality, sustainability, and safety of production of saffron in Europe. The maximum achievement (long term): Adulteration-free condition for saffron industry.

3 Scientific context and objectives (2/2) Research directions: -ORGANISING INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE RTD and IINNOVATION -ASSEMBLING PREEMINENT EXPERTS (MULTIDISCIPLINAR APPROACH) -INVOLVING PRODUCERS, MANUFACTURS & MARKET STAKEHOLDERS This integrated knowledge will be the basis for the development of Saffron genetic improvement, and the maturity of reliable innovative techniques to produce saffron HVAP and to combat bio-adulteration and fraud. [

4 Working groups 1.Working group Genetics, Genomics & Transcriptomics (coordinated research on these fields) 2.Working group Phytochemistry & Metabolomics (coordinated research on these fields) 3.Working group Molecular and Phytochemical fingerprinting for breeding, traceability, and authenticity (development of technological tools) 4.Working group Dissemination, Project Management & Coordination

5 Future Plan and Challenges Further advance in the genetic characterization, estimation of biodiversity and development of molecular and chemical descriptors for Saffron and Crocus spp. at the CROCUSBANK World Saffron and Crocus Collection ( To evaluate the available genomic tools and modern genetic and breeding approaches looking for crop improvement in saffron and ornamental crocuses. To initiate the application of omics techniques to detect new-generation biological adulterants in saffron, based on DNA and chemical fingerprinting. To initiate genomic typing of Saffron in PDOs and recognized areas, as tools for traceability applications, determination of authenticity, and for fighting against fraud of origin, labelling and marketing in this HVAP, the highest-priced European food product.