iDigBio is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections Program (Cooperative Agreement EF ). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Workshop Welcome and Introduction: Data Standards, Data Sharing, and Demystifying the GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) Debbie Paul, David Shorthouse, James Macklin, et al iDigBio - Gainesville, Florida, Canadensys, and CBIF and Agriculture and Agri- Food, Ottawa, Canada Brought to you by: (in alphabetical order) Reed Beaman (NSF), Cathy Bester (iDigBio),Kyle Braak (GBIF), Matt Collins (ACIS - iDigBio), Shari Ellis (iDigBio), Alberto González-Talaván (GBIF), Chris Lewis (CBIF), Anissa Lybaert (CBIF), Kevin Love (iDigBio), James Macklin (CBIF), Derek Masaki (USGS - BISON), Andrea Matsunaga (ACIS - iDigBio), Joanna McCaffrey (iDigBio), Deborah Paul (FSU - iDigBio), Bénédicte Rivière, Laura Russell (VertNet), Katja Seltmann (TTD-TCN), David Shorthouse (Canadensys), Dan Stoner (ACIS - iDigBio), Alex Thompson (ACIS - iDigBio)
2 iDigBio – Integrated Digitized Biocollections vouchered specimens 10 year effort to digitize and mobilize the scientific information associated with vouchered specimens held in U.S. research collections (Larry Page – PI) Develop research use cases and collaborations (Pam Soltis et al.) Effective digitization standards and workflows (Greg Riccardi et al.) Provide for cyberinfrastructure needs (Jose Fortes et al.) Plan for long-term sustainability of the national digitization effort Education and outreach (Bruce McFadden et al.) Project Management (PM) and PM skills development by David Jennings NIBA > ADBC > iDigBio & the TCNs
3 over 203 institutions Estimated 1 billion specimens in 1,600 collections in the US
4 Thematic Collections Networks (2 of 13)…
7 Data Standards, Data Sharing, and Demystifying the IPT
8 Integrative biodiversity research Integrative biodiversity research: It’s about the science questions Facilitate use of biodiversity data to address environmental and economic challenges Facilitate use of biodiversity data to address environmental and economic challenges Researchers Researchers Educators Educators General public, citizen scientists General public, citizen scientists Policy-makers Policy-makers Climate Change Invasive Species Human health Food Security
9 GeneticFunctional Taxonomic/ phylogenetic Molecular -> Ecosystem Tree of Life, phylogenomics Organisms -> species Phenotypic expression Bioactive compounds/chemistry Trophic interactions US National Science Foundation Dimensions of Biodiversity Program Interaction at the intersection of taxonomic, genetic, functional domains
10 Hello Ottawa, Hello Gainesville! Wiki TwitterAdobe ConnectGoogle Doc Logistics, Communication: Wiki, Twitter, Adobe Connect, Google Doc Collaboration 4 Lightning talks: sign-up now How will you pay-it-forward? Day 2 sign-up Hands-on, our data, your data Our goals, your goals Night at the Museum Lunch is provided Questions? Let’s get started,…
11 Workshop Wiki at Please log in – it’s your wiki!
12 Webinar evaluation General evaluation 4,23 out of 5.00 Connected participants from 5 countries General satisfaction with the contents Happy with the interaction opportunities Minor technical problems (audio) 100% reported increased knowledge 100% reported direct applicability to their work 46% will install the tool
13 Our workshop goals Enhance your skills / knowledge for getting a dataset into a standard format and improving and extending that data Show how to use the GBIF IPT software, as one way to share data – (but not the only way) Enhance your Darwin Core and Data Sharing Standards knowledge ambassadors for data standardsdata standards development – You become ambassadors for data standards and data standards development Clarify for you, just what is in a Darwin Core Archive file (DwC-A) – Including extensions, what are they, why have them? Teach you how to create or update Darwin Core Archive files using the IPT Enhance your knowledge about where data goes and how it gets there once it leaves your collection Show how a taxonomist with an occurrence dataset can publish a dataset as a DwC-A mobilize Help you mobilize your data
14 Useful Links and Social Bits Wiki Google Doc Participant list Twitter: #IPTWorkshop Twitter:
15 data data data Data Metadatadiscovery data re/usefeedbackaccountability creditattributioncuration Data and Metadata. It’s about discovery and data re/use. It’s about feedback and accountability. It’s about credit and attribution. (It’s about curation not ownership). Make sure your data’s not under a rock.
16 Questions?