Barents 2010 1. 2 Role of Barents Regional Committe Decision of Barents Regional Council Baltic III B Program Strategic approach Barents 2010 Background.


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Presentation transcript:


2 Role of Barents Regional Committe Decision of Barents Regional Council Baltic III B Program Strategic approach Barents 2010 Background

2 Transnational Strategy Multilateral co-operation Sustainable development Youth perspective 1.8 m, Tacis, 30 months Barents 2010 Description

2 Start up – first meeting Collected view of the Main Core of the Project Perspective of Northern Dimension The Importance of being successful –for our co-operation –for economic purpose –For future Interreg after 2006 Barents 2010 Aims of these Days

The Barents Euro-Arctic Council Regional Information The Barents Regional Council Governmental Information 21