Kaslo Food Security Aimee Watson North Kootenay Lake Food Security Coordinator
Who we are Kaslo & Area D Income- less than provincial average Economic forces- challenged resource industries Rurally challenged Kaslo & Area D, BC
Former Farming Mecca Produced large amounts of fruit Supported by Agriculture Canada Land now sits idle Meadow Creek, BC Photo by: Gail Spitler
What Happened? Diseases Railroad dismantled Small lot agriculture was replaced by a global food system The last viable orchard: Kootenay Joe Juice Photo: Gail Spitler
Why food security? 1 day of fresh food available if trucks are cut off 28% of Kaslo median income would be needed to meet Canada Food Guide recommendations
First step: Food Forum Community food assessment Setting ground for direction Recommendations Kaslo Food Forum- 2006
Since Then grants $187,500 in short term grants six community consultations 10 ad-hoc food security initiatives $22,000 in donations $22, 970 from our Bulk Buying Club Accredited Entrance to Kaslo Food Hub
Current Programs North Kootenay Lake Food Cupboard Baby Supplies Cupboard Kaslo Bulk Buying Club Tool Library Community Root Cellar
Current Programs …. continued West Kootenay Food Directory West Kootenay Farmland Database Community Kitchen Program Food Resource Library Feeding Families Not Bears
Funders Community Food Action Initiative (Interior Health) Union of BC Municipalities Kairos Eco Action Columbia Basin Trust Regional District Central Kootenays Gaming Kaslo Community Forest Society DASH
How: Start with Engagement Year One: Education & Dialogue Building awareness Building networks Food Policy A constant state of engagement Farmers to Farms Event
Then: Action! Five lawns turned into food producing gardens Demonstration garden Community garden, composting, preserving, and cooking classes Produced the movie “Planting the Seeds”
Measuring Impacts GHG reductions: 45 tonnes Water saved: over 14 million litres Organics diverted from landfill: 1180Kg Inputs reduced (chemicals & fertilizers): 4500 Kg Lawns to Gardens Winner: Tara Gray Apprentice: Jasanna Dobbyn Gardener Extraordinaire: Lyndsay Romaker
Building Skills & Knowledge Could we grow enough diversity to meet dietary needs? A centralized contact for growing and processing information Quinoa Painted Mountain Corn
Research: Could We Be Food Secure? How much land available? Over 7000 hectares are in the ALR for area D However, only 885 hectares are arable With.524 hectares per person needed, we could provide enough calories for 65% of our population Johnsons Landing Homestead Gail Spitler
So, are we food secure now? No Food Cupboard use is increasing Backyard & community gardening does not meet total needs Costs continue to rise Choices diminishing Food Cupboard Bins
Capacity Grist Magazine July, 2011
Without Farmers: There is no Food Security We have lost 6 farmers since we began 10 acres of prime land listed for $900,000 Farmers average net return ranges from -$133 to a maximum of $5, 422 Lofsted Farm, Kaslo
Without Support- there are no Farmers In 2005, 54% of the $2.8 billion in governments payments went to farms with revenues over $250,000 Financial support for farmers making $5,000 a year: $0 New farmer: Kate Murphy
Tools for a Viable Local Economy Localized distribution channels Regulations design for small scale agriculture Infrastructure Agricultural Extension services Vince McIntyre :First Bulk Buying Club Farmer
Community Food Centres & Food Hubs A one stop shop for: education, access, marketing and value added activities Accreditation provides: Stamp of approval Process & procedures that meet set standards
Sustaining Ourselves Barriers Constant grant seeking limited market Regulations Recommendations Increase KBBC Fruit Product Reduce overhead with service fees
Agriculture & Charity Farmers & Women's Institutes Fall fairs Bulk sales Networking Education Administration