Drift Chambers and Pattern recognisation Fabrizio CeiPattern recognition ideas INFN & Pisa University Hajime NishiguchiKapton foils for DC cathode University of Tokyo Johny EggerDC status and tests PSI
DC Status and Tests Hood and inner cathodes Print foils M1 test –Drift time measurement –Cathode read out Next future
Cathode hood Delivery and first tests: second half of July
Inner cathodes - measurement of deformation with applied forces - simulate forces (level arm) with wires through the gas holes - eventually stabilize free edges with tiny foam support(rohacell)
Print foils Good results of M1 tests possible foil pattern deformations hood-foil tests with mounting tool Inner cathode foil mounting test Final design of the foil pattern Ordering if all requests are satisfied by the manufactory
H. Nishiguchi H. Nishiguchi Kapton foils for DC cathodes Requirements Low-Mass: reduce resolution deterioration due to multiple scattering Kapton film 12.5 µm thick; Aluminum deposition 50 nm thick (NOT copper !! ) Accuracy: precise position reconstruction with vernier pad method requires manufacture accuracy ~ ±20 µm and deposition by “Etching”. Situation Sample foils with 3 Japanese companies suffered from many problems, but a sample foil which satisfies all requests (except cost) was built. Contacts with european factories under way from PSI group.
M1 test with the 4 test chambers Anode 1, 2 plan 0 to 4 digital Scope 8 channels 500 MHz 500 points, 8 bits Cathodes of anode 2 plan 2,3 FLASH ADC 8 channels 100 MHz 500 points, 8 bits 24 Cathodes Anode 1,(2,3) LRS ADC 24 double channels Anode 3 plan 0 to 4 AD811 Read out
Not staggered Parallel beam + tilted chambers
=.21 ns 1.00 &.60 Tesla P= 158 & 258 MeV/c parallel < 1 % No Field P= 158 & 258 MeV/c DC tilted by 1 DC tilted by 2
Behavior of amplifiers in the 1 Tesla magnetic field -no measurable difference on induced test pulses - time definition : t =.12 ns ( =.8 ns) - pulse integral : I <.04 % ( =.16 % ) -no measurable effect in the magnetic field even with magnetic SMD capacitors and resistances ( contacts) - approximate the field distortion with the new „non magnetic“ SMD elements, cables, connectors
Subtract y = b1 + b2*(sin[w*(t-t0)]): fit of the 225 first points M1 run : w = 2 * 50 MHz Look for the first n=4,5 adjacent points above threshold Linear fit of first n signal points and n last background points (=0) Drift time threshold
Drift time (Fit-measured time) against drifttime t3 against t0 Sqrt( (Fit-measured time) 2 ) = > 2.0 ns 2.8 ns(~.1 mm) 1.0 ns < (Fit-measured time) < 2.1 ns Difference between 2 colors in t1 shows misalignment of anode w2p1 of ~.1 mm
u1 u2 d1 d2 Cathode readout d1+d2 d1-d2 u1-u2 u1+u2 Anode has a shielding effect of a few percents Cathode u1 = n1*Anode * (1+c2 * sin[c3*x] + * c2* sin 2 [c3*x]) Cathode u2 = n2 *Anode * (1-c2 * sin[c3*x] - * c2*sin 2 [c3*x]) Cathode d1 = n3 *Anode * (1+c2 * cos[c3*x] + * c2*cos 2 [c3*x]) Cathode d2 = n4 *Anode * (1-c2 * cos[c3*x] - * c2*cos 2 [c3*x]) value for traces on 1 side of the anode is the opposite of the value for traces on the other side
and the cathode normalization factors ni are correlated in the calibration procedure Calibration procedure not yet optimal : distributions are not flat 0.34 mm < (Fit-measured value) <.60 mm 0.11 mm < (Fit-measured value) <.35 mm June 27 July 8
Cross talks a) to next plane < 1% b) To adjacent anode: 1) small on integrals 2) important for timimg c) to near cathode of adjacent anode: Important Corrections to b) and c) well defined by measurement of events without signal on the adjacent anode „Domino „ read out on all channels is important 1000 points, 500 MHz, 10 bits is ideal
Present and near future plane Analysis of M1 run (rich sample of data)Analysis of M1 run (rich sample of data) –Magnetic field –Anode shielding, cross talk –Exotic events TestsTests –Foils –Amplifiers and prints –High rates OrderingOrdering –Foils –Frames and prints –Amplifiers and cables ConstructionConstruction Test with first elements (maybe within this year)Test with first elements (maybe within this year)
Positron Tracker Test Milestone AssemblyDesignManufactoring Full Prototype Medium PrototypeCharge division & Cosmics FP Full Detector (18 DC)
Fabrizio Fabrizio Ideas for pattern recognition Pattern recognition problem in MEG: DC integration time ~ 1 s Positron rate on drift chambers ~ 5 MHz Some superimposed tracks in each DC readout. Two turns (a rather frequent case)
Assumptions Chambers are formed by two independent sensitive elements; Chambers are formed by two independent sensitive elements; From each of them a three-dimensional information of the crossing point (“hit”) can be extracted crossing point (“hit”) can be extracted DC signals were already analysed up to this level DC signals were already analysed up to this level Wires and signal formation not simulated.
Strategy outline Define a segment of track as two pairs of hits (or a pair and an isolated hit) within two adjacent chambers (one wedge); Perform a fast and reliable estimation of the positron momentum associated to any segment; Look at any couple of segments which have the same pair of hits (or the same isolated hit) as end (one segment) and beginning (the other); Select the couples of segments having compatible momentum components and total momentum; Within this sample, join the couples of segments which satisfy the geometrical requirements for a good track; Save all “tracks” formed by a minimum number of segments (4 or 5); Absolute timing information not used (by now).
Not enough time for details; only Technique: principal component analysis in quadratic approximation: to determine a i, b ij. h i = one of the three spatial coordinates of one hit. Sum over the hits (3 or 4) in one wedge associated to a segment. Training by MC events: sample of 5 x 10 5 Michel positron tracks, corresponding to ~ (1 3) x 10 4 tracks in each wedge. Minimize: Fast momentum estimation
Tracks with 4 segments Total momentum pzpzpzpz MeV pzpzpzpz pxpxpxpx pypypypy Black: true Red: estimated p N.B. This is NOT a momentum reconstruction a momentum reconstruction. Momentum reconstruction in one segment minus true value
Linking segments Any chamber (except #1 and #17) is a part of two“wedges” we can link two segments in adjacent wedges requiring that they have one common point. Further selections: compatibility of momentum vectors in adjacent segments; compatibility of new segment with extrapolated track. with extrapolated track. Segments with the same starting point.
Example of reconstructed tracks
Algorithm performances # of correctly reconstructed tracks # of correctly reconstructed tracks Efficiency = ——————————————— Efficiency = ——————————————— # of generated tracks # of generated tracks Michel positrons in the solid angle covered by the spectrometer or isotropically over the whole detector; no significant differences; positron momentum > 30 MeV;
A “by-product”: momentum estimation Not a momentum reconstruction, but a reasonable starting point for more refined tracking algorithms (like MINUIT).
Conclusions Algorithm looks to work well; > 95 % for 5 mixed tracks & > 91 % for 10; more efficient for higher momentum tracks (encouraging !). Performances be only slightly (~ 1 %) affected by worsening the z resolution or reversing the scanning direction. z resolution or reversing the scanning direction. Technical note soon. Suggestions (to investigated): begin the search from outermost radii & try to recover isolated hits. begin the search from outermost radii & try to recover isolated hits. Possible improvements: perform a cuts fine tuning; follow all possible links between segments; use absolute timing information as linking tool; perform a better track extrapolation; include random noise; insert signal propagation in the simulation code …
M1 tests with four test chambers and various readout (digiscope 500 MHz, flash & other ADCs..) =.21 ns 1.00 &.60 Tesla P= 158 & 258 MeV/c parallel < 1 % No Field P= 158 & 258 MeV/c DC tilted by 1 DC tilted by 2 Trigger timing resolution Measurement of four DC times