Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November Symbolically Computing Most-Precise Abstract Operations for Shape Analysis Greta Yorsh Joint work with Thomas Reps Mooly Sagiv
2 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Why use theorem prover? Guarantee the most-precise result w.r.t. the abstraction Modular reasoning assume guarantee reasoning scalability
3 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Outline Background The “assume” Operation The assume Algorithm canonical abstraction Main Results Future Work ^
4 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Shape Analysis Static program analysis Determine “shape invariants” Verify programs (partially) Detect memory errors Prove properties about dynamically allocated data Detect logical errors Code optimizations Abstract Interpretation [CC77] Galois Connection ( , )
5 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a Concretization Function Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a)
6 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 C Concrete Domain Abstract Domain Abstraction Function (C)(C)
7 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 ( (C)) C Concrete Domain Abstract Domain Galois Connection ( , ) (C)(C)
8 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 (a') ( (C)) C Concrete Domain Abstract Domain Most Precise Abstract Value (C)(C) a'
9 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 New Approach Use symbolic techniques in abstract interpretation For shape analysis For other abstract domains What does it mean to employ decision procedure/theorem prover for shape analysis? symbolic concretization decision procedure for satisfiability ^ (a)
10 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Concrete DomainAbstract Domain Formulas a2a2 (a1)(a1) a1a1 store ⊧ (a 1 ) ^ store ⊭ (a 1 ) ^ Symbolic Concretization (a) ^ ^ (a 1 ) (a2)(a2) S (a) ⇔ S ⊧ (a) ^ ⊧
11 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Outline Background The “assume” Operation The assume Algorithm canonical abstraction Main Results Future Work ^ ✔
12 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Assume-Guarantee Reasoning T bar(); void foo() { T p;... p = bar();... } {pre bar, post bar } {pre foo, post foo } assume[pre foo ]; assert[pre bar ]; assume[post bar ]; assert[post foo ]; ^ Is (a) ⇒ valid? assert[ ](a) assume[ ](a) ?
13 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain 〚〛〚〛 The “assume[ ](a)” Operation (a)(a) Formulas
14 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a 〚〛〚〛 X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) The “assume[ ](a)” Operation assume[ ]( a) (X)
15 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a 〚〛〚〛 X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) The “assume[ ](a)” Operation assume[ ]( a) ^ (X)
16 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Outline Shape Analysis The “assume” Operation The assume Algorithm canonical abstraction Main Results Future Work ^ ✔ ✔
17 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain 〚〛〚〛 The assume[ ](a) Algorithm (a)(a) ^
18 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a 〚〛〚〛 The assume[ ](a) Algorithm X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) ^
19 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a 〚〛〚〛 The assume[ ](a) Algorithm X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) ^
20 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 assume[ ]( a) a 〚〛〚〛 The assume[ ](a) Algorithm X Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) ^ (X)
21 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Outline Shape Analysis The “assume” Operation The assume Algorithm canonical abstraction Main Results Future Work ^ ✔ ✔
22 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 C Concrete Domain Abstract Domain Abstraction Function (C)(C) (C) = { (S) | S C} 2-valued logical structures sets of 3-valued logical structures
23 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Describing Heap Using Logical Structure Definition of linked list Cyclic linked list of length 4 pointed to by variable x structure S = universe U = {u 1, u 2, u 3, u 4 }, unary relation x = {u 1 } binary relation n = {,,, } unary relation r x = {u 1, u 2, u 3, u 4 } unary relation c = {u 1, u 2, u 3, u 4 } struct List { int d; struct List *n; } x u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 u4u4 c,r x nnn
24 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November Valued Logical Structures Relation meaning over {0, 1, ½} Kleene 1: True 0: False ½ : Unknown A join semi-lattice: 0 ⊔ 1 = ½ ½ Information order
25 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Canonical Abstraction x u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 u4u4 c,r x x u1u1 u2u2 u 2 summary node x u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 u4u4 c,r x
26 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Canonical Abstraction x u1u1 u2u2 u3u3 u4u4 c,r x x u1u1 u2u2 :: u 2 summary node Unary relations have definite values x
27 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a Concretization Function Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) (a) a ≜ ∃ v 1,v 2 :node u1 (v 1 ) ⋀ node u2 (v 2 ) ⋀∀ w: node u1 (w) ⋁ node u2 (w) ⋀ ∀ w 1,w 2 :node u1 (w 1 ) ⋀ node u1 (w 2 ) ⇒(w 1 =w 2 )⋀⌝n(w 1,w 2 ) (a) ≜ a ⋀ IR ^ S (a) ⇔ S ⊧ (a) ^ Formulas ^ x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x
28 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 a Concretization Function Concrete Domain Abstract Domain (a)(a) (a) IR = unique[x] ⋀ function[n] ⋀ reachable[x] ⋀ cyclic[n] reachable[x] ≜ ∀ v:r x (v) ⇔∃ v 1 : x(v 1 ) ⋀ n*(v 1,v) cyclic[n] ≜ ∀ v:c(v) ⇔∃ v 1 :n(v,v 1 ) ⋀ n*(v 1,v) (a) ≜ a ⋀ IR ^ S (a) ⇔ S ⊧ (a) ^ Formulas ^ unique[x] ≜ ∀ v 1,v 2 :x(v 1 ) ⋀ x(v 2 ) ⇒ v 1 =v 2 function[n] ≜ ∀ v,v 1,v 2 :n(v,v 1 ) ⋀ n(v,v 2 ) ⇒ v 1 =v 2
29 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Outline Shape Analysis The “assume” Operation The assume Algorithm canonical abstraction Main Results Future Work ^ ✔ ✔ ✔
30 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Example x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x y==x->n ≜ ∀v 1 :y( v 1 ) ↔ ∃ v 2 : x(v 2 ) ⋀ n(v 1, v 2 ) y,r y x u1u1 uyuy c,r x r y x u1u1 u2u2 y uyuy y a: assume[ ](a) ^ IR = unique[x] ⋀ unique[y] ⋀ reachable[x] ⋀ reachable[y] ⋀ cyclic[n] ⋀ function[n]
31 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 The assume[ ](a) Algorithm assume[ ](a) : set of 3-valued structures // initialization for all S ∈ a if (S) ⋀ is satisfiable then W S // phase 1: node materialization while there is S ∈ W with p(u)=1/2 do duplicate nodes and deduce their unary relations using calls to theorem prover // phase 2: relation refinement while there is S ∈ W with p(u1,u2)=1/2 do duplicate structures and deduce their binary relations using calls to theorem prover return W ^ ^ ^
32 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Example - Materialization materialization u 2 u y, u 2 y(u y ) = 1, y(u 2 ) =0 x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x y,r y S x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x y,r y y y(u 2 )=0 S0 ryry S1 y(u 2 )=1 x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x y,r y y ryry u2u2 x u1u1 uyuy c,r x y,r y y rxrx y ryry ryry
33 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Example - Materialization x u1u1 uyuy c,r x y,r y y rxrx y x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x r y y u2u2 x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x y,r y y ryry ryry ryry x u1u1 uyuy c,r x r y y u2u2
34 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Example – Refinement x u1u1 uyuy c,r x r y y u2u2 n(u 2,u y ) x u1u1 uyuy c,r x,r y y u2u2 c,r x r y c,r x,r y S0 x u1u1 uyuy c,r x,r y y u2u2 c,r x r y u y n(u 1,u y ) n(u y,u y ) n(u 1,u 2 ) n(u y,u 1 )
35 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Example x u1u1 u2u2 c,r x y==x->n ≜ ∀v 1 :y( v 1 ) ↔ ∃ v 2 : x(v 2 ) ⋀ n(v 1, v 2 ) y,r y x u1u1 uyuy c,r x r y x u1u1 u2u2 y uyuy y a: assume[ ](a) ^ IR = unique[x] ⋀ unique[y] ⋀ reachable[x] ⋀ reachable[y] ⋀ cyclic[n] ⋀ function[n]
36 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Algorithm assume[ ](a) : set of 3-valued structures for all S ∈ a if (S) ⋀ is satisfiable then W S // phase 1: materialization while there is S ∈ W with p(u)=1/2 do W W/S if (S) ⋀ ⋀ p,u is satisfiable then W S' if (S0) ⋀ is satisfiable then W S0 if (S1) ⋀ is satisfiable then W S1 // phase 2: relation refinement while there is S ∈ W with p(u1,u2)=1/2 do if (S) ⋀ ⋀ p,u1,u2 is not satisfiable then W W/S if (S0) ⋀ is satisfiable then W S0 if (S1) ⋀ is satisfiable then W S1 return W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
37 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Theorem Prover Satisfiability of FO TC Calls to theorem prover need not terminate Experience with SPASS Solutions ?
38 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 SPASS Experience Handles arbitrary FO formulas Can diverge Converges in our examples Captures older shape analysis algorithms How to handle FO TC ? Overapproximations are not good enough Lead to too many structures
39 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Theorem Prover Satisfiability of FO TC Calls to theorem prover need not terminate Experience with SPASS Solutions timeout and return ½ decidable logic Bad news Even ∃∀ TC is undecidable Reduction to halting problem
40 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 ∃∀ DTC[E] Logic Neil Immerman, Alexander Rabinovich ∃∀ DTC[E] is subset of FO TC ∃∀ form arbitrary unary relations single binary relation E deterministic transitive closure E*(v,w) E-path through individuals with at most one successor Decidable for satisfiability NEXPTIME -complete
41 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Simulation Technique Simulate regular data structures using ∃∀ DTC[E] Singly linked list shared/cyclic/nested Doubly linked list (Shared) Trees Preserved under mutations
42 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Outline Shape Analysis The “assume” Operation The assume Algorithm canonical abstraction Main Results Future Work ^ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
43 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Most-precise Operations Most-precise abstract value Best transformer statement loop-free fragment ^ ( ) = assume[ ]( ) ^ BT(a,τ) = assume[τ]( ) ^
44 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 (a)(a) Concrete DomainAbstract Domain Best Transformer BT(a,τ) a τ τ (C) C BT(a,τ)= τ
45 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Most-precise Operations Most-precise abstract value Best transformer statement loop-free fragment Meet operation Assume guarantee reasoning procedure specifications ^ ( ) = assume[ ]( ) ^ ^ ^ ^ m(a,a') = ( (a) ⋀ (a')) ^ BT(a,τ) = assume[τ]( ) ^
46 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Conclusions Employ decision procedure/theorem prover for shape analysis most precise modular - assume guarantee reasoning
47 Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November 2003 Future Work Implementation Assume guarantee of “real” programs specification language write procedure specifications Extend to other domains
Dagstuhl Seminar "Applied Deductive Verification" November THE END