Welcome to (Insert Course info) Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
2 Spielvogel, Western Civilization, Seventh Edition + Wadsworth Western Civilization Resource Center are your required course materials chosen by (Insert prof) 1.You can get a better grade by using these course materials. 2.You will be assigned reading and homework from these materials. 3.You will be tested on content from these materials. 4.Study tools designed to help you study smarter (not harder) are in the Companion Website, and Western Civilization Resource Center. Paste Book Cover Here Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
3 The Technology: Wadsworth Western Civilization Resource Center 1.What You Get Interactive assignments that you can to your instructor Hundreds of primary sources such as speeches, letters, legal documents and transcripts Maps, simulations, and timelines Google Earth ™ feature to compare locations today with your textbook maps 2.Access via your Single Sign On (SSO) Dashboard – Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
4 How To Register: Sign up for SSO Account Visit Click “Create My Account” Select “Student” Enter the access code bundled with the text or purchased online Fill out account information form to complete your registration Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
5 How To Register: Sign in to SSO Dashboard Visit Log in with your new username and password Add your book to your dashboard Select link to SSO Wadsworth Western Civilization Resource Center Click Enter Here button to launch the Wadsworth Western Civilization Resource Center Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
6 How to Locate Resources in the Wadsworth Western Civilization Resource Center Select the time period you want to investigate by clicking on the appropriate time frame in the left navigation bar Choose the type of resources you wish to investigate (e.g. documents, online readings, maps, photos, etc.) A list of available selections will appear onscreen – Click on the item you want to review Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
7 WHERE TO BUY YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS (MAKE APPROPRIATE EDITS BASED ON EACH ADOPTION) 1.Bookstore Textbook/bundle title info Bookstore’s price If a bundle, show savings compared to the stand-alone items Insert any other available ancillaries (Include the following if employing an iChapters.com strategy) 2. iChapters.com eBook: 50%off the price of the textbook eChapters: Buy individual chapters as you need them Include print text/bundle info and price here if it is not available in the bookstore Enter URL for microsite or store’s link to iChapters.com Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
8 Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price that is right for you. Print Options NEW print textbooks at up to 15% off, + Free Shipping! Digital Options Electronic texts up to 50% off Individual chapters for as little as $1.99 Study Tools Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio Content, and more Visit to buy the way you want and SAVE ! Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade