Intercultural competence and entrepreneurship DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY
What has no power without the how ? Case for cultural intelligence New learning and teaching approaches
What do I do ? Consultant in communicaion, cultural intelligence, leadership,emotional intelligence
4. Profound 2. Simple 1. Dynamic 5. Empathetic 3. Intelligent
Cultural Intelligence A Priority
Attributes of a Peak Performer on the international stage Mindset Skillset 80% 20%
Challenging some widely held beliefs :- « Culture stuff » is intuitive, a soft skill that can be improvised. Intercultural communication is an esoteric skill for overseas travellers. Globalisation means cultures are converging to a common norm Good communication skills with knowledge of other cultures are sufficient for good international performance International experience is a guarantee of intercultural competence (the local amateur syndrome)
Companies are more and more aware that a failure to develop soft skills is costly and effects the bottom line Cultural failure negatively effects performance and results Cultural intelligence begins with self, with own culture and how we are perceived.Its learning by doing. The difference between an average international actor and an excellent one is mindset, attitude and behavioural change and it can be learned/developed
Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Knowledge about cultures (facts and cultural traits) + awareness/mindfulness(of yourself and others) + specific skills (behaviours) = Cultural Intelligence
Knowledge Awareness/mindfulness Behavioural skills CQ
What are the implications for teaching and pedagogical approaches ? New focus: experiential learning, (classroom or mobility), individualized pathways, different teaching methods
Left hemisphere Right hemisphere The Corpus Callosum links both Feeling a rhythm Day dreaming Pictures Imagination Colour Dimension and distance Words Logic Sequence Numbers Lists Analysis Step by step
Knowing about ? Being able to do?
Objectives of training Increase knowledge Raise awareness Work on values and belief systems Encourage change and test new behaviours Means = encouraging new behaviour in the classroom for teaching and assessment Accepting that young people can be « taught »/helped to develop in this way Accepting new tools and approaches
Intercultural communication schools Theory and research school -traditional sociological and communication perspectives and methods (ex of publication: International and Intercultural communication annual) Theory into practice school -more interdisciplinary, drawing on communication theory, psychology, anthropology, sociolinguistics and other fields (represented by SIETAR Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research/ publictions: International Journal of Intercultural Relations)
TRAINING METHODAPPLICATION TO CQ FACTUAL : books, lectures, briefingKnowledge about specific cultures, culture dimensions and processes ANALYTICAL : Films, culture assimilators, facilitation,sensitivity (EI) training Both culture general (own culture) and culture specific knowledge as well as the opportunity to practice awareness/mindfulness EXPERIENTIAL : Mobility periods and/or simulations, field trips, role-playing, facilitated experiential exercices, accelerated learning techniques Opportunities to practice both mindfulness and behaviour skills, and to experience the emotions of cross cultural interaction
Multiple Intelligences Measured by standard IQ Linguistic Logical/mathmatical Not measured by standard IQ tests Spatial Musical Body/kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Components of cultural intelligence
Development process ONE WAY My way is the valid one I refuse to adjust MANY WAYS There are many valid ways Im prepared to adjust William Perry:dualism, multiplicity, relativism, commited relativism Milton Bennett : ethnocentrism to commited ethnorelativism Kohlbergs 7 stages of moral development