Commas Those You Know Conjunction, Date, City/State, Number, and Series
Conjunction conj two complete sentences joined with a f--for a--and n--nor b--but o--or y--yet s--so conjunction
Conjunction continued Place a comma before a conjunction, and you will separate two independent clauses of more than four words each if there are no other commas in the sentence I will but she won’t. Jan will go to the concert, but Jon prefers to stay. She is the best candidate, yet I voted for him. When you come to my house, I can help you with your homeworkquestions; but I only have an hour.
Conjunction Now it’s your turn. Give your teacher some suggestions.
Date date When writing a date using the month, day, and year--set off the year with a comma before and a comma after. On December 20, 199_, I will fly home. They were married on May 3, 199_, in the temple.
Date continued Why no comma in the following? On June 1 we will celebrate. Because you must have all three-- month, day, AND year--to use a comma
Date Now give your teacher some suggestions for Date comma sentences.
City/State C/S Place a comma before and after the state when written in a sentence with the city then the state. In Logan, Utah, the Festival of Arts is held. Have you ever visited Cardston, Alberta, before? I saw Paul Revere’s house in Boston, Massachusetts, last year.
City/State continued When you write a city or a state alone, you need not use commas. We came to Rexburg on a calm summer day. Cody flew to Australia during the winter. In Idaho Falls the temple looks majestic at night.
City/State again If you write more than one city and state in a sentence, the punctuation is altered. We visited Logan, Utah; Preston, Idaho; and Cokeville, Wyoming, this summer. The plane stopped in London, England; Paris, France; and Stockholm, Sweeden, on our way.
City/State C/S Now give your teacher some City/State sentences with correct punctuation.
Numbers no. In most numbers over 9999 use a comma. BYU accepted 26,756 students. All of the 256,987 members voted. Sam paid $26,999 for his new pickup. Do not use commas in Social Security, account, or telephone numbers. His telephone number is
Numbers Tell your teacher some number sentences using commas--or not.
Series ser You must have three or more items in a series in a sentence to use commas. You should use a comma before and after etc. Jan will bring notebooks and pencils. We ate fruit salad, burritos, and pie. Please bring the plates, cups, utensils, etc., to the meeting before the picnic.
Series continued You must include a comma before the last item in the series. We painted the rooms white and red, yellow, and white and blue. Without the last comma you might read it We painted the rooms white and red, yellow and white, and blue.
Series And This Is Why When you write a series within a series, you should use stronger punctuation to separate the major items of the series. We visited Logan, Utah; Preston, Idaho; and Cokeville, Wyoming, last summer. I enjoy playing baseball, softball, and volleyball; reading; and horseback riding.
Series Now it’s your turn to create some sentences.
Now It’s Your Turn Tell Which Rule We wanted to go to General Conference and finally decided to make the trip. On December 25 she will receive her ring. They were married in Ogden Utah in the temple. The rain kept falling heavily so we bundled under the umbrella to watch the rodeo.
More To Punctuate Fix the Following The new car price was $ We enjoyed watching the football, volleyball, and baseball games, the wrestling match, and the rodeo team. Sam bought a beautiful couch and her husband purchased a new gun. On September the twins were born.