Results of the meeting on complementary food basket 07 May 2015
Operational presence Akhmetov Foundation – 30,000-35,000 (ongoing) WFP – 20,000 (planned through partners) AP: WFP and Akhmetov Foundation to hold a bilateral meeting to discuss current geographical gaps, which will be covered by WFP (focus on Luganska Oblast)
Basket composition Itemsg/unit Price per unit, UAH 6-11 months12-23 months unitsg, total Price total, UAH unitsg, total Price total, UAH Semolina (or other cereals) Fortified cereals with milk Baby vegetable puree Baby fruit puree Total AP: UNICEF to develop communication materials with key IYCF messages by mid-June
Registration of beneficiaries WFP and Romanovskyi Foundation to hold a bilateral meeting on system for beneficiaries registration
Children 0-6 months NCC to calculate infant formula needs for non-breastfed infants 0-5 months old per month based on UNICEF recommendations UNICEF to explore options of engagement local experts for counselling Romanovskyi Foundation to explore options of engagement local experts for counselling
Multiple Micronutrient Powders UNICEF to continue exploring options of procurement of MNPs NCC to calculate potential caseload for MNPs for children 6-23 month on behalf of Nutrition Sub-Cluster and present this at the next meeting for approval
MNPs caseload estimation Estimation of population in need: children 6-23 mo PopulationU20-6 mo6-11 mo12-23 mo 100%1.99%0.44%0.52%1.03% NGCAs of Donetska and Luganska Oblast 3,200,000 63,680 14,080 16,640 32,960 All IDPs in Ukraine (official data as of 17 April), including: 1,200,000 23,880 5,280 6,240 12,360 IDPs in Donetska Oblasts 450,000 8,955 1,980 2,340 4,635 IDPs in Luganska Oblasts 162,000 3, ,669 IDPs in Kharkiv Oblasts 162,000 3, ,669 IDPs in Zaporizhzhska Oblasts 87,000 1, IDPs in Dniprpetrovska Oblasts 73,000 1,