1 COMPASS Common Processes and Shared Services Setting a Direction for IT
2 IT Shared Services
3 IT Shared Services: by Stage Stable Adaptive Efficient Structured Capabilities Department level planning SLA based services Expert teams Integrated information collection Centralized Management Negotiated functionality Information analysis Proactive demand management Service focus App simplification and SOA Deliver to Budget Availability focus Reactive to demand Individual culture Information limited Budget driven Standardized Delivery Departmental culture Initial IT processes Quality of infrastructure Tactical supply focus Pay Per Use Customer focus Centralized service management Process analysis Tiered services & pricing Service choice Comprehensive billing Utility Computing Utility On Demand TQM driven Relationship culture Personalized processes Tailored services
4 Availability Performance Standards Flexibility Scalability Ownership Agility Structure Engagement Integration Responsive Performance Bus. Satis. Value for Money Disciplined Effectiveness Repeatable Best Practice Metrics Integrated Cont. Impr. Attitude Skills Org Structure Bal. Scorecard Cust Focus Rewards Control Speed Bus. Case Alignment Filter Engagement ROI Dashboard Range Analyses Views Adequacy Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance IT Shared Services: by Dimension
5 Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance Ü Is there a well defined IT Architecture that acts as a blueprint for ensuring strategic value for all IT project investments ? Ü Is Architecture built on Adaptive Enterprise Design principles – Simplification, Modularization, Standardization & Integration ? Ü Have all technical platforms been rationalised and consolidated to promote scale savings, wider usage and flexibility? Ü Are automated Service Management technologies employed? Ü Is there focus on optimisation of the utilisation of the Infrastructure? IT Shared Services: by Dimension
6 Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance Ü Is there a deep understanding of total IT assets and how they are being used? Ü Does the organisation fully understand its IT cost-structures so that price/performance can be optimised? Ü Does the business receive accurate and timely information on the performance of all key services? Ü Does IT have a comprehensive information dashboard to promote active management and superior service deliver? IT Shared Services: by Dimension
7 Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance Ü Is there proper Architectural Governance to ensure that design principles complied with? Ü Are business cases and ROI disciplines effectively employed before all major IT investments? Ü Has the organisation agreed its required demand/supply policy framework and is the policy working? Ü Is there appropriate alignment and engagement of the business and IT in all decision making? Ü Is there an umbrella steering group to set policy, help adjudicate and streamline all decision making? IT Shared Services: by Dimension
8 Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance Ü Are staff fully customer focused and do they behave and perform accordingly? Ü Are the staff highly skilled and equipped to do their job? Ü Are staff well motivated and tuned to the operational, tactical and strategic needs? Ü Has the management style evolved to a coaching and facilitative level? Ü Is the organisation “change ready” in order to move to the next performance and service levels? IT Shared Services: by Dimension
9 Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance Ü Are IT processes documented and repeatable in order to ensure consistent service delivery? Ü Are process analysis techniques being used to drive process performance improvements? Ü Is there a mechanism to lift all areas of IT to at least internal best practice? Ü Are continuous improvement or TQM style techniques used in order to manage and enhance processes and deliver better price/performance and service? IT Shared Services: by Dimension
10 Technical Infrastructure & Architecture Integrated Management Information Business Services Best Practice Processes Culture & Staff Demand, Supply & Governance Ü Are the products of IT to the business well-defined and well- managed? Ü Have the technical products been bundled into services that are relevant to the business? Ü Are Service Level Agreements in place with business departments and are those SLAs being consistently met? Ü Is IT able to offer differentiated SLAs in order to optimize cost, quality and performance trade-offs? Ü Is IT able to respond rapidly to business requirements for new and changed services and thus support the Adaptive Enterprise? IT Shared Services: by Dimension