NCSX Metrology 1/7/04. Short term purchase recommendation Buy the Spatial Analyzer Software package –This software will be the user interface for operating.


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Presentation transcript:

NCSX Metrology 1/7/04

Short term purchase recommendation Buy the Spatial Analyzer Software package –This software will be the user interface for operating the various hardware. Provides a common user interface for the different pieces. This is a big benefit to the operators of this hardware. –This software can perform the “post processing” of the data (CAD compare, best fit, track moving objects, etc) –Recommend that we purchase the Leica Laser Tracker interface at this time. We can start to practice with the SA software using the Laser Tracker and/or the FARO arm –$15K base price, with ~$3k per additional hardware interface. Some of the additional software features cost extra also.

Short term purchase recommendation Buy a scanning arm –3 options Faro Arm with nVision scanner (28,000 pts/sec); Faro Arm with Faro scanner (13,000 pts/sec); Romer Arm with Romer scanner (23,000 pts/sec) –Either system will provide the necessary resolution to meet our needs. –Either configuration (arm+scanner) will cost $110K-$125. –Delivery times are within 30 days ARO. –Since we are not going to purchase the bundled post processing software, the make of the hardware becomes a less significant issue. –Spatial Analyzer software can be interfaced to any system, although they already have a working interface for the Romer. –I am leaning toward the Romer for several reasons: Innovator in the industry Their product has been on the market. Faro’s scanning system was just recently introduced. Spatial Analyzer interface already established. Costs are roughly equivalent –Choosing the FARO arm would allow us to use the SA-Faro interface module to run the New and older Silver FARO arm. –There may be subtle differences in the “user friendliness” of the hardware. We won’t know until we see them in action. I am arranging on-site demonstrations with Romer and FARO.

Short Term Metrology tasks Development of the mechanical measurement system –We have a concept, but need a couple of man-weeks of machinist/technician time to develop & fabricate the measurement tool. –John Desandro is very familiar with out measurement requirements and is ideally suited for this task. John fabricated the tooling and took all the conductor keystoning measurements

Short Term Metrology tasks Measurements of the “inchworm” –We will be winding the “Twisted Tee” and taking measurements as we go. –This will be a great opportunity to fine-tune the mechanical measurement system and the “go/no-go” gauges that we’ll use during modular coil winding coil. –Unfortunately, the Twisted Tee’s as-cast shape will make the collection of relevant data challenging. The cross section of the “T” is not orthogonal (it’s not a pure “T”) and changes shape along the length. The holes drilled for mounting the measurement tooling are not consistently located with respect to the “T”. –We’ll do our best.

Mid Range Metrology Plans/Tasks Measure the twisted oval casting and during winding (March/Apr ’04) –Use Laser scanning arm to measure contour. Generate the as-built and perform the comparison to the CAD model. –Use the XXX and measure the coil as it is wound. Measure the Prototype Mod Coil casting and during winding (Nov ’04) –Use Laser scanning arm to measure contour. Generate the as-built and perform the comparison to the CAD model. –Use the XXX and measure the coil as it is wound.

Long Term Metrology Plans Procure the Arcsecond Internal GPS system. (6 months before FPA starts). Set it up in the TC. Train additional individuals (technicians) in the operation of the hardware/software.

Other Metrology Concerns We currently have a “metrology task force”, which is made up of individuals that will have measurement needs. Their first task was to “select” the hardware that would accomplish all measurements needs, while minimizing redundant hardware. These individuals have many other tasks that are performing. It was difficult to get together and resolve issues as a group. We should currently be resolving how we’re going to measure the NCSX components and incorporate any features into the designs so that they can be implemented during fabrication. In the future I envision a small group of individuals that operate the equipment and analyze the data. –Recommend a system analogous to the lifting/rigging setup. A couple of engineers that are trained in all aspects of the hardware and software. Several technicians (at least 4 individuals) that can operate the equipment and take measurement data. Support from drafting to interface with ProE/Wildfire.