Drug Notes Health
Terms Tolerance -- Resistance to a poison The capacity to absorb a drug continuously in large doses without negative effect Withdrawal – Discontinuation of the use of an addictive substance
Drug Categories Illegal Drugs – Drugs that are against the law to manufacture, possess, buy or sell. Usually have no medical purpose Made and used for recreational purposes
Synthetic Drugs – Chemical substances produced in a lab. Gateway Drugs – Drugs that lead to more serious drug use Ex – Alcohol to Cocaine use
Designer Drugs – A drug with properties and effects similar to a known hallucinogen or narcotic but having an altered chemical structure Created to evade restrictions against illegal substances
Look – Alike Drug – Drug made to look like another but not give the same effects. Prescription Drugs – Available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist Over the Counter Drugs – Drugs that may be purchased without a doctors note
Drug Classifications Narcotics Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens Steroids Inhalants Drug Categories | Drugs.com
Scheduling For controlled substances Schedule I – high potential for abuse & has no medical use LSD, Marijuana, Heroin, Salvia Schedule II – high potential for abuse, some medical uses, severe psychological dependence Morphine, PCP, Cocaine Schedule III – potential for abuse, has medical uses, moderate dependence Steroids, Codeine, Tylenol Schedule IV – low abuse, has medical uses Xanax, Valium Schedule V – low abuse, medical uses OTC cough medicine
Over the Counter Anti-inflammatory- controls swelling & inflammation Analgesic- decreases pain Anti-pyretic- decreases fever, body temp. Anti-histamine- reduces the effect of chemical histamines on various tissues by blocking the receptor sites
Anti - Inflammatory IBUPROFEN Effects- 1) decrease swelling 2) decrease pain 3) decrease fever takes 7-10 days to build functional level in the body
Analgesic ACETAMINOPHEN Effects- 1) analgesic 2) anti-pyretic 3) anti-inflammatory Positives- doesn’t thin the blood no GI distress best for pain relief
Anti-pyretic ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID Effects- 1) reduces fever 2) reduces pain 3) reduces swelling Problems- 1) Reyes Syndrome 2) Thins the blood- interferes with the clotting mechanism 3) Can develop allergic reactions (nosebleeds, hives) 4) GI distress Other side effects- heartburn, nausea, tinnitus, headache, diarrhea
Anti-histamine Histamines- cause irritation and swelling to the mucous membranes and spasm to smooth bronchial muscles Problems- 1) banned by the NCAA/USOC 2) cause drowsiness 3) slowed reaction time