The ASB’s organisation
ASB Library – 70th Anniversary 2009!
Mission The ASB Library is a public research library providing library service and documentation for ASB research and teaching. ASB Library is a hybrid library as it holds printed materials as well as electronic information resources and media. As a public research library it is the purpose of ASB Library: To provide library services and documentation for the LASB researchers and teachers. To serve other interested external users, the business community, and libraries. To contribute to make visible and to disseminate the LASB research to the surrounding world. To be a player in the national and international co-operation between libraries. ASB Library: Mission
ASB Library: Vision ASB Library is a modern user-oriented research library. We provide dynamic library services for the ASB research, education, and dialogue on a high international level. We select a few crucial focus areas that support the vision of the Aarhus School of Business ‘to develop knowledge and ideas about growth, innovation, and sustainability for the benefit of students, enterprises, organizations, and Society.’ We use modern technology, media, and digital infrastructure, and new sophisticated forms of integration between library and learning. We are backing up the development of the interdisciplinary co-operation at ASB. In order to strengthen the co-operation, ASB Library, ICT, and Media are merged in the strategy period to one organizational unit with a joint name.
Transverse internal cooperation Synergy Worn by the national IT infrastucture New content Increasing exposure of research and education => Added value ASB will add more value to research and education…
5 focus areas : U1: Vertical and Horizontal Organization Adjustments U2: Interaction between Library and Education U3: Quality Measurement and Benchmarking U4: Digital rights U5: Knowledge Capital / Institutional Repository ASB Library Organization
ASB ICT & Media: Organization 2009
Man-year/ftq(total) Library29 ICT/Media 28/ftq (+45/ptq) Library visitors/year (app.) Opening hours/week (Lib + IKT)77 Information Resources Printed books E-books (app.) Printed subscriptions/newspapers 254 E-serials titles Databases (Biblgr. & Fact)150 Library budget/year/(2010)18.6 mio dkr./(2.5 mio EURO) ICT budget/year (2010)30.6 mio dkr/(4,1 mio EURO) ASB Library & ICT– Facts & Figures (2009/10)
2 contactpersons to each department (6) 2 contactpersons to each research centre(7) Please find more information at: Yoy may ask the contactperson about any library services needed: -opening hours ; how to use the library facilities -how to borrow information ressources -proposals for new books or serials to purchase -how to obtain Interlibrary loans from other libraries in Denmark or outside -’Book a librarian’/’Ask the Library’ if you need help to search for books, articles, using special databases If you need help to register your research or to search in the ASB Institutional Repository Important main services offered by the library
ASB ICT & Media: in charge of Information and Communication Technology at ASB responsible for, design, and supply of ASB’ digital infrastructure (networks, hardware/software, telephony, web, digital media) used by employees at ASB responsible for selecting ICT solutions that support and give increase in value to ASB’s core areas: Research, education, dissemination of knowledge as well as to the administrative support supplying finished ICT solutions and support to students and employees within a wide spectrum of ICT related tasks (from servers to e-learning and digital media, WebTV etc.) improving and streamlining ICT processes with international standards co-operation with other AU/IT departments in faculties and the new central IT unit at AU ICT facilitates all the activities that take place at ASB – 24/7! ASB ICT & Media: Services
Offered by ICT Analytical Knowledge Group in collaboration with ASB Library Bibliometric measures Book a librarian or book an it-supporter Copyright Law & Creative Commons Databases – company information Data Extraction and data processing E-journals and e-books Reference tools Research methods and design Software catalog and software assistance Statistical and financial analysis Web survey Research Groups will be contacted. Contact Library: Analytical Knowledge Group: Some Special Research Services
The Library contributes to the library co-operation at the Aarhus University and takes an active part in national and international library co-operation. ‘Aarhus University Libraries’ is a virtuel co-operation between app. 27 libraries. Total staff: app. 200 ftq. Total Materials budget/year app. DKK 46 mio. / 6.2 mio EURO. Aarhus University Libraries
ASB library in pictures