© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 1 Version 1.0a, 23 rd April 2012 TTCN-3 Users Conference Practical integration of TTCN-3 with Robot test automation framework and Jenkins continuous integration tool. Rajesh Kumar Bathina, Technical Leader, Wipro Technologies
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 2 Candidate Details Name Rajesh Kumar Bathina Organization Wipro Technologies ID Phone number Date of Presentation 13 th June’ 2012 Photo
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 3 Overview
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 4 Overview TTCN-3 provides us various flavours of testing techniques and varied advantages. I will focus on one such implementation which integrates TTCN-3 with Robot test automation framework and Jenkins continuous integration system to provide End- to-End automation. We have practically achieved the interworking of TTCN-3, Robot test automation framework and Jenkins CI system for one of our vendors. I have considered a requirement in which TTCN-3 should interacting with SUT and at the same time the test case requires to perform some GUI validations (NMS/EMS) or external interface notifications. In such scenarios using TTCN-3 alone might not provided complete automation and so we might use some thirdparty freeware tools to interwork with our automation framework to make it complete. Subsequent slides will provide the details of our approach to address above issues.
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 5 TTCN-3 integration with Robot Above picture shows a practical integration of TTCN-3 with other free ware tools Robot test automation framework.
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 6 Robot and its advantages Robot is a keyword driven generic test automation framework built using python widely used for acceptance testing. Robot's testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java Users can define new keywords from existing ones to implement a wider functionality. The Robot framework includes an external test library named selenium used for web testing as well Java GUI testing. Integration with TTCN-3 server In our implementation, the Robot was made to trigger the TTCN-3 test case execution always and then it gives control to TTCN-3 thus the test case execution continues. Above point is achieved by making the Robot login to the TTCN-3 Linux server and trigger the test case. Robot has the luxury to run preamble before the test cases execution at TTCN starts and then releases the control to TTCN server for further execution. Once the control is sent to TTCN-3, the actual execution will take place between the components and the SUT. TTCN-3 integration with Robot cont..
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 7 Detailed Approach One of the PTC will have an external sync port which has connectivity to the Robot PC and using this port the TTCN-3 will send control to Robot. Refer to ‘A’ in above diagram. On receiving the control Robot can perform any intended GUI/Web validation like checking for alarms in NMS, setting some parameters in GUI. Thus the TTCN-3 PTC will be on wait mode till the external validation or notification is completed by Robot. Soon after the required task is completed by Robot, the control will then be released to PTC for the rest of the test case execution. Refer to ‘B’ in above diagram. Finally Robot gets the control after the TTCN-3 execution completion which will perform postamble operation. TTCN-3 Tester External Synchronization control send (A) External Synchronization control receive (B) Web /GUI client Network Element
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 8 Jenkins integration with Robot and TTCN-3 Jenkins is an application which monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron jobs. We can integrate Jenkins to build a batch of Robot cases to be executed in parallel on multiple network setups and to monitor the execution. We can create jobs in Jenkins to include multiple test cases and this can be executed as nightly regression batches JENKINS PC Detailed reporting of Test Case execution and pass percentage Robot Case-1 Robot Case-2 Robot Case-3 Robot Case-4 … … … Robot Case-n TTCN-3 Tester Web /GUI client Note: Jenkins can be configured on either Linux or Windows environment
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 9 Jenkins provides the luxury of configuring s to get real-time notifications on failures at the end of the regression suite execution. We can achieve following advantages by integrating TTCN-3 with Robot and Jenkins: o Man Machine Language commands required to be sent to the Network Element during the test case execution or as preamble/postamble. o NMS/EMS or GUI validation during the TTCN-3 test case execution o Configuration changes on far end Network elements during execution. Jenkins integration with Robot and TTCN-3 cont..
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 10 Benefits of Integration Achieve end-to-end automation which includes GUI validation during the TTCN-3 case execution. Interop testing which requires configuration modifications on far end network element is possible by using this approach where any configuration changes needed during the execution that affects the behaviour of SUT can be achieved Most of our network testing and system testing will require us to perform some GUI validation or web based application checking during the case exection This can be integrated with existing This approach is in use in our project to manage nightly regression execution and reporting via s.
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 11 References Robot Test Automation Framework Jenkins Continuous Integration tool
© 2012 WIPRO LTD | 12 Thank You Rajesh Kumar Bathina Wipro Technologies