Mobile Siemens
Mobile TV Complementary technologies supporting complementary services Point to Point Mobile TV Streaming Unicast streaming video on demand and live streaming via GPRS and UMTS Cellular network is essential in each scenario to offer interactivity, personalization and charging Cellular network Unicast Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) Improved scalability of existing GPRS and UMTS media delivery at lower costs Point to Multipoint Multicast Broadcast network Digital Video Broadcast for Handhelds (DVB-H) Tailored to limitations of mobile devices (e.g. power consumption and resolution) Broadcast Interactivity, personalization and charging via mobile network
Multicast / Broadcast Service Economic broadcast via cellular network User group channels Location determined content* Interactivity Push Service Continuous TV experience tailored for multi user group “Eat a tailored menu" Push Service Continuous TV experience like at home TV -> self explaining service "Eat what you get" Cost efficient broadcast to large population Conventional TV Digital Video Broadcast for Handhelds Interactivity via cellular network Mobile TV Streaming Personalized channels Interactivity Push & Pull Service Continuous TV experience with interactivity: pause, skip, jump to start "Get individual suggestions from the chef" Highest individualization via cellular network Mobile TV Complementary services supporting different use cases Use Cases User Experience Advantages *) either e.g. information to a current location, or related to situation at that location (traffic jam, soccer game)
Mobile TV Positioning of media delivery mechanisms individualstandard many few Mobile TV Streaming DVB-H Mobile TV Streaming w. MBMS Mobile TV Streaming w. HSDPA user service Mobile TV streaming and DVB-H are complementary services Siemens has strong experience in multi media delivery via streaming and download Siemens offers a clear evolution strategy for mobile TV Siemens offers a DVB-H trial package: the MNO can start today to gain mobile TV experience
Addressing an unlimited number of subscribers: one to many concept (as opposed to one-to-one or unicast concept) delivery of tailored content for mobile usage at the same time while having a manageable & limited impact on available bandwidth in a given cell cost efficient Mobile TV DVB-H – “Addressing the masses” Easy access to Mobile TV in real time with interactivity via Mobile network High quality of service (fast channel switching,…) Great User Experience New business opportunity due to back channel - attracting more users by offering new services Additional revenues by offering valuable content through broadcast channels Benefit of the catalyst effect of mobile TV to other mobile services – Great cross selling potentials Prepare the mass market for the usage of individualized mobile TV services tailored for mobile use MNO benefits Innovative content distribution channel especially targeting youth segment New revenue streams Broadcaster benefits Broadcast & Mobile Integration! Technology
Mobile Siemens Some references Australia Austria Belgium China Croatia Czech Republic Egypt France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Media Delivery References Live Demo’s CeBIT, Hannover RAI, Amsterdam IFA, Berlin Oktoberfest, Munich ... Field Trials Czech Republic (T-Mobile) Austria ... European DVB-H References
Mobile TV A variety of customers and situations