A BIT OF HISTORY…… City of Chicago divided into 18 battalion districts after Great Chicago Fire of 1871.City of Chicago divided into 18 battalion districts after Great Chicago Fire of Companies relocated to provide coverage where needed when call volume higher.Companies relocated to provide coverage where needed when call volume higher.
More History… Elk Grove FD adopted procedure creating 1 st MABAS Box Cards in 1968 for Northwest SuburbsElk Grove FD adopted procedure creating 1 st MABAS Box Cards in 1968 for Northwest Suburbs Over 1300 fire departments from Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana and Iowa make up MABAS todayOver 1300 fire departments from Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana and Iowa make up MABAS today
Primary Purpose Coordinate effective and efficient provisions of mutual aid during an Emergency, Natural or Man Made DisasterCoordinate effective and efficient provisions of mutual aid during an Emergency, Natural or Man Made Disaster
Provisions Immediate AssistanceImmediate Assistance Special Response TeamsSpecial Response Teams Specialized EquipmentSpecialized Equipment Contractual Agreement covering responsibilities and liabilities for all member departmentsContractual Agreement covering responsibilities and liabilities for all member departments Standard policiesStandard policies
Current Illinois MABAS Divisions 70+ Divisions in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri & Indiana More Divisions coming on board every month!
Box Alarm Cards Each department has their ownEach department has their own Basic Templates available for - Structure Fire, Tender, Brush, EMS, Special Rescue, Target HazardBasic Templates available for - Structure Fire, Tender, Brush, EMS, Special Rescue, Target Hazard Can be assigned based on special circumstances or geographic areasCan be assigned based on special circumstances or geographic areas Provides for change of quarters companiesProvides for change of quarters companies Distributed to surrounding departments and dispatch centersDistributed to surrounding departments and dispatch centers
New Box Card Design Standard template created to assist new and existing Divisions redesigned in 2004Standard template created to assist new and existing Divisions redesigned in 2004 Changes made to the “Traditional Style” to make it easier to understand and reduce errors.Changes made to the “Traditional Style” to make it easier to understand and reduce errors. 4 Letter abbreviations eliminated and full names of departments are used.4 Letter abbreviations eliminated and full names of departments are used. Change of Quarters section incorporated to each level. Station number added in ( )Change of Quarters section incorporated to each level. Station number added in ( ) No limit to number of levels No limit to number of levels Last level reserved for “Interdivisional Request”Last level reserved for “Interdivisional Request” Tankers replaced with TendersTankers replaced with Tenders
New Box Card Design-Complete
Or… adapt them to suit your needs The MABAS executive committee has okayed the adaptation of box alarm cards within the dispatch center as lo9ng as pertinent information is not changed. If the FD format doesn’t work for your center - Here are some examples of other formats that may make it easier:
Paper Card Option Portrait optionPortrait option List Towns/EquipmentList Towns/Equipment Not Equipment/TownsNot Equipment/Towns Bold your own townsBold your own towns COQ’s stay at bottomCOQ’s stay at bottom
Browser Option This option works like a websiteThis option works like a website Does not require an internet connection – just a Windows BrowserDoes not require an internet connection – just a Windows Browser Point and click accuracyPoint and click accuracy Allows for access to more functionsAllows for access to more functions
Communications Valuable resource for Advocacy Statements & Recommended Practices. Everything needed for MABAS radio communications
Communications (cont’d) Each MABAS Division designates a Primary and Back Up Dispatch CenterEach MABAS Division designates a Primary and Back Up Dispatch Center Both with paging capabilitiesBoth with paging capabilities All MABAS alarms and dispatches carried out over IFERN.All MABAS alarms and dispatches carried out over IFERN. Narrow-Band Channel IFERN2 coming soon to be used during disaster ops by Statewide Response TeamsNarrow-Band Channel IFERN2 coming soon to be used during disaster ops by Statewide Response Teams
NIMS National Incident Management System Adopted as the SOP for all MABAS members for incident management in 2003 NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private- sector, and non-governmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents.
Communications (cont’d) 6 Current Fireground Frequencies6 Current Fireground Frequencies Red, White, Blue, Gold, Black, GrayRed, White, Blue, Gold, Black, Gray Low powerLow power Incident Scene CoordinationIncident Scene Coordination
Statewide wireless voice radio system by Motorola allowing users to talk virtually anywhere in the stateStatewide wireless voice radio system by Motorola allowing users to talk virtually anywhere in the state Effective and Cost Efficient network giving users interoperability they could not achieve on their ownEffective and Cost Efficient network giving users interoperability they could not achieve on their own ITTF offered every PD, FD, EMA, Public Health Agency and Com Center in Illinois a control station or radio in 2004ITTF offered every PD, FD, EMA, Public Health Agency and Com Center in Illinois a control station or radio in 2004 More information available at information available at
Box Alarm Requests Emergency situations that exceed a stricken departments capabilities can generate a MABAS Box Alarm DispatchEmergency situations that exceed a stricken departments capabilities can generate a MABAS Box Alarm Dispatch Organized Box Cards prevent self-dispatching and overloading the IC or Local Dispatch centerOrganized Box Cards prevent self-dispatching and overloading the IC or Local Dispatch center If you’re not asked for – DON’T GO!If you’re not asked for – DON’T GO!
Box Alarm Request (cont’d) Procedure Mutual Aid need determined by ICMutual Aid need determined by IC Appropriate Box # and level determinedAppropriate Box # and level determined Staging area determinedStaging area determined Local dispatch center advised MABAS is being activatedLocal dispatch center advised MABAS is being activated MABAS dispatch center contacted to request the Box on IFERN by ICMABAS dispatch center contacted to request the Box on IFERN by IC
Box Alarm Request (cont’d) Requesting DepartmentRequesting Department Box Alarm NumberBox Alarm Number LevelLevel Nature/ LocationNature/ Location StagingStaging AuthorityAuthority Information MABAS Dispatcher Needs
Incident Communications IC and Staging Ofcrs. must monitor IFERNIC and Staging Ofcrs. must monitor IFERN Primary fireground frequency monitored by the Incident Commander or his designeePrimary fireground frequency monitored by the Incident Commander or his designee Dispatch and IC communications on IFERNDispatch and IC communications on IFERN Scene operations occur on fireground freqs.Scene operations occur on fireground freqs.
MABAS Dispatch Communications Dispatcher monitors IFERN continuouslyDispatcher monitors IFERN continuously Acknowledges request for Box AlarmAcknowledges request for Box Alarm Locates Alarm Card and prepares the dispatchLocates Alarm Card and prepares the dispatch Activate TonesActivate Tones Dispatch Box AlarmDispatch Box Alarm Keeps IC abreast of any updates/changesKeeps IC abreast of any updates/changes
Statewide Mutual Aid The Coloring Book Guideline created by the MABAS Executive Committee in conjunction with the Office of Homeland Security and the Illinois Terrorism Taskforce. Designed for the specific purpose of planning for activation of the Statewide Mutual Aid Plan and local subsequent responses.
Statewide Mutual Aid Statewide Plan Methods MABAS / ITTF / IEMA DrivenMABAS / ITTF / IEMA Driven MOU Signed January 16, 2001MOU Signed January 16, 2001 Activated by Declaration of DisasterActivated by Declaration of Disaster Governor’s Mobile Support TeamsGovernor’s Mobile Support Teams Liabilities, Reimbursements, AuthorityLiabilities, Reimbursements, Authority Links MABAS & Non-MABAS AgenciesLinks MABAS & Non-MABAS Agencies Fire/EMS/Special Ops - State AssetFire/EMS/Special Ops - State Asset 4 Region Design4 Region Design All Hazards / All RisksAll Hazards / All Risks
Checklists RED - Security Validation Code Communications Authentication Code (MATRIX) FACT Message On Scene Visual Validations (ARMBANDS) Homeland Security Threat Status Checklists
Located in Northbrook at Fire Station #12 Dispatch center for 6 Suburban Fire Departments and 3 Fire-Protection Districts Dispatch center for MABAS Division III Lead dispatch center for Statewide Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Orland Central Dispatch is their backup
Activation information will by given by RED Center, Orland or IEMA EOC when the plan is activated. -including requested equipment, routing, reception site and validation code. The POD chief will get this information from Tri-Com only if RED Center is unable to. Activation of Statewide Aid
MABAS Dispatch Centers- Will contact Local Dispatch Centers by phone. Local Dispatch Centers will use tone w/generic message too have the fire departments call their dispatch center for information or call them by phone. Relay information given by RED via phone to command officer. Use checklists to track all apparatus, manpower & equipment reported by the fire departments. Activation of Statewide Aid
Local Dispatch Centers- Information received from MABAS center will be relayed.Will use tone w/generic message too have the fire departments call their dispatch center for information or call them by phone. Information received from MABAS center will be relayed. Contact MABAS Center back with availability of requested equipment and personnel within 30 minutesContact MABAS Center back with availability of requested equipment and personnel within 30 minutes Activation of Statewide Aid
Fire Departments- Need to acknowledge the box alarm and availability of their resources within 20 minutes and contact local dispatch via phone or local radio frequency if possible Responding units en route to the POD and responding to reception area SHALL NOT transmit on IFERN! Once at the reception area, a staging officer will then direct frequency assignments for operations All units will respond together as a “package” Activation of Statewide Aid
MABAS Dispatch Center- Will gather the information from the dispatch centers. Will fill in a requested resource not available from a primary fire department, with a secondary fire department resource on the box card When the highest ranking officer in the POD calls, he will report his name, rank, department, that he is in the POD ready to receive information. He will give a call back number and hang up. The MABAS center will verify the ranking officer’s identity Then call RED and relay the name & call back number for RED to relay routing, reception and validation code. Only if instructed by RED will MABAS Division relay any security information Activation of Statewide Aid
Deployment Procedure- Available Chiefs will respond to the POD to help organize and activate the responding “package” POD Coordinator maintains a log of all activities on form and assign other duties to responding chiefs (i.e.) Accountability Worksheet Emergency Contact Information Personal Equipment CheckElectronic Equipment Check Deployment Bag WorksheetPOD Activity Log MABAS CommunicationsDirections & Maps Vehicle AssignmentsMoney Transfers The apparatus designated by the statewide box card will meet at the POD. NO MORE – NO LESS! Activation of Statewide Aid
POD Arrival- Check in for accountability - Picture ID and PASSPORTS required Incident briefing Member information form Additional personal clothing/equipment cache issued if required Security: personal gear will be searched. Electronic equipment will be inventoried and collected. Items will travel with the team and may only be used for emergencies or when authorized by the team leader. Team leader will be issued a cash stipend for operational needs. Activation of Statewide Aid
REMEMBER Response to the POD for statewide deployment is NON-emergency! Activation of Statewide Aid