Spanish Fork Community Network
Why we built it o No High Speed Internet in SF in 2000 o No Expansion Plans/Broken Promises How we built it o Contractors o Full-time temp crews What we built o Network of conduit o Hybrid Fiber Coax o SF17 Brief History
Started business in 2001 Broke even in 2004 Have made money every year since o We don't use tax dollars! Currently make over $1 million after debt service and O&M Over $7 Million in revenue Bond will be paid off FY16 o Will make an additional $670,000/Year Brief History
We offer a choice! We connect to 80% of the residents Increase customer service Save almost 3 million a year for residents We move rapidly into new subdivisions Provide fiber optic cable to each school in Spanish Fork Provide affordable and reliable Internet service to our community's churches We provide data services for the City government operations What we do for our community
1. Informs and Involves the Community a. Shows the traditions and heritage of SF b. Informs about current local events c. Live and tape delay coverage of City Council and Planning Commission meetings d. Local events broadcast LIVE and on tape delay 1. Live carriage of High School Sports (Home and Away) 2. Parade/Fiesta Days/Rodeo 3. Community Theater SF17
1. Informs and Involves the Community a. Cover local business events/ribbon cuttings/etc b. Provide an affordable advertising avenue to reach Spanish Fork City residents c. We work closely with the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs and the local Senior Center. d. Free business spotlights SF17
We are launching the largest upgrades in SFCN history o Launching new 111 mbps Internet service Summer 2013 ($98) Currently offer 12 mbps for $28 20 mbps for $38 55 mbps for $68 o Free or near free wireless SmartParks and Business districts - Ongoing o All digital conversion - Fall/Winter 2013 o All HD conversion - Spring/Summer 2014 Future
Spanish Fork Community Network