W w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Workshop on future co-operation Kalmar, 12 June 2007 Prepared by Jakub Piotrowicz.


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Presentation transcript:

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Workshop on future co-operation Kalmar, 12 June 2007 Prepared by Jakub Piotrowicz

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g WP2 – Safe Transportation at Sea Strategic focus of WP2: Analysis of preventive measures to avoid accidents related to the increase of oil transportation in the Baltic Sea Region WP2 consists of 18 Partners from 4 countries: Sweden (10 Partners) Poland (6 Partners) Finland (1 Partner) Germany (1 Partner)

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g WP2- Target groups  Baltic Master Project Partners,  European Union representatives and decision makers,  National ministries, regions and governmental bodies,  Local people and media (TV debates, articles, programs),  Environmental protection organizations,  Maritime academies and universities,  Ports.

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g WP2- Completed Reports (1) - 4-Parts Report on Safety of Navigation conducted by Maritime University of Szczecin -Risk analysis models -S hip safety -M odel of navigational safety -V essels safety in Polish harbours - The Report on Sludge and Waste Handling in medium sized ports (Port of Kalmar) -The AIS on small-ships Report/Report on future of Traffic Monitoring Centres (Maritime Office in Gdynia)

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g WP2- Completed Reports (2) - PSSA Research Brief- World Maritime University - The Report on PSSA Regional and Local Perpectives- Maritime Institute in Gdansk - The Report on Requirenments on Vessels (Kalmar Martime Academy) -The Report on Places of Refuge containing detailed analysis and interviews with local bodies responsible for the Places of Refuge procedures was completed by Kalmar Maritime Academy

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g WP2- to be completed - PSSA Vision in Oil-spills risk assessment model which will cover hydro-meteorological aspects, traffic intensity, analysis of existing/planned routes on Southern Baltic and evaluation of the risk of contamination of Baltic coasts with oil from accidental oil spills - Action Lists for BSR/regions - Reports from 2nd and 3rd Traffic Monitoring Workshops

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Particulary Sensitive Sea Area – PSSA “An area which needs special protection through action by IMO because of its significance for recognised ecological (uniqueness, vulnerability, dependency) or socio-economic (economy, recreation, human dependency) or scientific (research, monitoring, historical value) reasons and which may be vulnerable to damage by maritime activities.” (IMO Resolution A.927(22) and Guidelines for Identification and Designation of PSSA)

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g WP2 Final output Vision of PSSA 2020– some major issues - Icreasing of local communities’ involvement of in PSSA process in upcoming years, co-operation within PSSA, - Legal status of PSSA in Partnership countries including proposals for new legal acts, - Trends in maritime transport in which routes should be chosen - New Associated Protective Measures (APMs) suggestions- restrictions on ballast waters discharge etc., - Potential conflicts between PSSA/spatial planning (mapping), - Analysis of threats related to sea transport (traffic, types of cargo, major accidents in last years, oil-spills consequences etc.) -

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g PSSA- Report on regional and local priorities - Marine Protected Areas- regulations, - PSSA on the Baltic Sea- Legal Framework, - Co-operation with non-governmental organizations, - PSSA in the International and European Law, - The legal basis for PSSA concept in the national law of the Baltic States, - PSSA - Polish case- analysis of chosen areas

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g IMPACT OF PLANNED MARINE INVESTMENTS Versus PSSA VISTULA SANDBAR

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g PSSA-some conclusions so far (1) - Recognition of the whole Baltic sea area as PSSA does not guarantee the proper protection against ecological hazards in case of the real large-scale disaster, - Legal issues related to maritime affairs and sea environmental protection should be regulated - in the law of most Baltic countries there are no such terms as “protected sea area” and “Baltic protected area”, the current legal status of sea areas is also not fully harmonized with legal regulations concerning coastal activities, - Prevention is the best way of minimizing the threats at the sea. It includes enforcement of regulations related to environmental protection, construction of safer vessels, improved sea pilotage, obligatory monitoring.

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g PSSA-some conclusions so far (2) In improving the level of the Baltic maritime safety and environmental protection the following actions could play a significant role: - increase of influence of regional and local administration in the field of maritime safety, - promotion of maritime safety in the transport and communication with the recognition of diverse activities in the Baltic Sea, -improvement of preparedness concerning accident prevention and safety management thanks to integration of local and regional actions. - Monitoring systems should be permanently modernized, co- operation between Baltic countries and international bodies like HELCOM should be improved.

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g PSSA-some conclusions so far (3) - The very important issue is to develop and implement a program of public environmental education regarding marine protected areas and coastal zone management, -APMs within PSSA help in the significant reduction of accidents and oil-spills risk. Areas to be avoided are the most effective norms that protect Baltic biodiversity. There is a need to announce new areas which are permanently or temporary (for example during summer or winter) excluded from shipping, - The marine and coastal areas are and should be treated as a unity regardless of national or international borders.

w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Contacts Mrs Urszula Kowalczyk Maritime Institute in Gdansk Head of Economics and Law Department Baltic Master WP2 Leader Jakub Piotrowicz Maritime Institute in Gdansk Baltic Master WP2 Manager