Mountain Connect, Vail Colorado June 8, 2015
Electric Utilities have the potential to play various roles in improving broadband services. ◦ Different roles and business models. ◦ What’s right for the utility, potential partners, and the community? Panelists: ◦ Reuben Bergsten, Utilities Director, Town of Estes Park ◦ Jasen Bronec – CEO, Delta Montrose Electric Association ◦ Loren Howard, CEO, San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, INC.
Reuben Bergsten, Utilities Director, Town of Estes Park
We are a Municipal Electric Utility. Our service territory is 300 square miles centered around the Town of Estes Park. Account density is 33 meters per line mile. There are five broadband ISPs within the Estes Valley. Outside the Estes Valley coverage is minimal to none. The Town acts to facilitate broadband through pole attachments and installation of spare conduit on public projects. Broadband alternatives are being research by the Estes Park Economic Development Corporation.
Jasen Bronec – CEO, Delta Montrose Electric Association
Delta Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) ◦ Member Owned Cooperative Serve Delta and Montrose Counties ◦ Western Slope of Colorado DMEA serves 32,500 meters at 9.9 meters mile of distribution line Telecommunication providers include: Charter, CenturyLink, independent ISP providers. Past: REANet Future: Business Plan for Fiber To The Home
Loren Howard, CEO, San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, INC.
Not-for-profit private corporation 7,500 existing electric utility members Serve 7 counties 51 employees $30 million annual gross electric revenue
Residential Internet 10 mbps $ mbps $ mbps $ mbps $ Commercial Internet 25 mbps $ mbps $ GBPS $ Residential Phone Full Service $39.95 Commercial Phone Full Service $49.95
2 nd Quarter 2012 – Initial feasibility study 3 rd Quarter 2013 – Initial fiber cable order executed 4 th Quarter 2013 – Contract for electronics executed 1 st Quarter 2014 – Second market assessment complete 2 nd Quarter 2014 – Second financial analysis complete 2 nd Quarter 2014 – First fiber cable installed 3 rd Quarter 2014 – FTTH pilot passing 20 residences 1 st Quarter 2015 – Ciello brand launch event 2 nd Quarter 2015 – First large marketing activities
Is it appropriate for Utilities to enter the broadband market and compete with existing service providers?
Why are electric utilities getting involved in telecommunications services? What can an electric utility bring to the table? What don’t they have and need help with?
What expectations do communities regarding Utility involvement in Broadband? Are these expectations different from those for private providers? Are these expectation realistic?
What are the key issues do utilities need to take into consideration when becoming involved with broadband service?