An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 1 CourtsWeb, is a website that evaluates and documents recent federal courthouses. It is a decision.


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Presentation transcript:

An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 1 CourtsWeb, is a website that evaluates and documents recent federal courthouses. It is a decision support tool that allows a complex set of stakeholders involved with a federal project to develop a common language and base of experience.

Opening Page The user is presented with three alternative routes to explore the contents of the database i.e. browse, search, and compare. A help icon is provided for further assistance An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 2 Under browse, search, and compare, the user inquires about the contents of courthouses that are in the data base. Content includes interactive comments combined with pictorial metaphors.

Opening Page The user inquires about the contents under “Help”; Interactive comments combined with pictorial metaphors point to the contents of each directory An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 3

Browse Page The major navigational tool for exploration of the website is a map of the US that indicates the courthouses in the database An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 4 Each Dot represents a city where a courthouse is located. Dragging the mouse over the dot will highlight it with the name of the city. Clicking on it will navigate to the main page of the courthouse. White dots indicate detailed cases, blue dots indicate abbreviated cases.

Browse Page Alternatively, the user can select a courthouse through the QUICK SEARCH list that also displays the courthouses in the database An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 5

Browse Page Search, compare and help functions are available at all levels of the navigational structures of the database An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 6

Courthouse Level Structure Once a courthouse is selected, the site defaults to the main page of the courthouse, showing lists and tabs which navigate to the available information on the particular courthouse An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 7

Courthouse Level Lists The different areas of the courthouse are organized by functional zone i.e. public zone, courtroom zone, and private zone. These zones are presented in a list at the left of the screen An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 8 A panoramic, interactive 360 degree view of the main elevation of the courthouse and the surrounding context

Courthouse Level Tabs Different types of information, including images, statistics, models, drawings, and others, are organized in tabs at the top of the interface An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 9

Courthouse Level Information The information page gives an overview of the general information regarding the courthouse e.g. construction date, design team, construction cost, etc. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 10 Program provides information about zoning, circulation, elevations, art work, etc. System provides information about procurement and finishing materials

Courthouse Level Program Clicking on the hot links on the program page opens windows that display analytic diagrams of the courthouse - such as a circulation or zoning diagram An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 11 Scrolling down the page will show further information about the courthouse

Courthouse Level Statistics Statistics provides areas of functional and circulation spaces by floor An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 12

Courthouse Level 3D Model 3D model of the courthouse. Each floor’s design and internal configuration is shown by scrolling down the FLOORS scroll bar to the right. Clicking on the further information hot links will open a window with additional information An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 13 Model has been altered for security reasons

Courthouse Level Drawings The drawing tab explores drawings of the various plans and sections of the courthouse; drawings are described by text and small thumbnails for preview An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 14 Clicking on the drawing will open a navigational window with detailed design information in pdf format (p lan has been blurred for security reasons )

Courthouse Level Interactive Plans Interactive plans are floor plans shaded to display public, private and secure zones and circulation An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 15 Clicking on the plan will open a window with the possibility of zooming in and out, along with coloring the different zones and circulation systems using the icons to the right

Site and Context Information the context of the courthouse e.g. urban conditions, location, surrounding buildings, etc. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 16 The window defaults to a panoramic, interactive 360 degree view of the site

Site and Context Information I nformation on the context of the courthouse e.g. urban conditions, location, surrounding buildings, etc. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 17 Program provides information regarding setbacks, adjacent public spaces, and public art works Systems provides information about the security system around the courthouse

Public Zone The public zone contains views of public spaces in the courthouse, including the lobby, jury assembly, roof garden, and law library. In this case the atrium of the courthouse was selected. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 18 The window defaults to an interactive 360 degree view of the zone selected

Site and Context Drawings S ite and context drawings provide figure-ground maps which represent civic open spaces, civic buildings, and parking spaces An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 19 Clicking on the thumbnails at the bottom of the page replaces the main map with maps presenting civic buildings, civic spaces, and parking

Courtroom Zone The courtroom zone contains information regarding the different types of courtrooms found in each courthouse. The elements within each courtroom are described through photos, text, and drawings. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 20 The window defaults to an interactive 360 degree view of the courtroom as it looks from the judge’s bench - clicking on the thumbnails at the bottom displays views from the other elements in the courtroom

Courtroom Level Information The information tab provides general, program, and system information regarding program, access, site lines, acoustics, materials, temperature and humidity, security, etc. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 21

Courtroom Level Statistics The statistics tab provides areas of circulation spaces, the judge’s chambers, the gallery, etc. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 22

Courtroom Level Interactive Plans The interactive plans display the basic plan of the courtroom. Information icons floating in the plan are linked to brief descriptions e.g. location of the courtroom, dimensions of elements, etc. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 23 The icons to the right of the plan show courtroom’s location within the courthouse, dimensions, and elements

Courtroom Level Elements Under each courtroom type, the elements for that courtroom are listed, including, bench, witness box, jury box, lectern, and attorney table An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 24 The window defaults to an interactive 360 degree view of the courtroom from the selected element

Courtroom Level Element Information Information about each element including work surface dimensions and finishes An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 25

Courtroom Level Element Drawings A detailed drawing of each element showing dimensions An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 26 This drawing shows the detailed drawing of a judge’ bench

Private Zone The private zone contains views of private spaces in the courthouse, including the judge’s chamber, grand jury room, and library An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 27 The window defaults to an interactive 360 degree view of the zone selected Clicking on any of the thumbnails will lead to a different judge’s chamber of a different courtroom

Evaluation Lessons Learned The lessons learned page provides general, program, and systems An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 28 Information found within this page represent both positive and negative comments regarding different aspects of the courthouse design e.g. architectural expression, acoustics, access, sight lines, etc

Evaluation Lessons Learned Within the lessons learned page, one can also find information regarding the users’ evaluation of their built environment An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 29 These windows have the users’ comments about the location of their offices, its design, and the relation of the courthouse to the neighboring community. These comments provide a valuable resource for future designs from a users’ point of view

Search The search page provides for keyword searching by courthouse or courtroom criteria. The page defaults on the courthouse search criteria. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 30 The window defaults to the courthouse search criteria

Courthouse Search The courthouse search page provides for keyword searching by defining courthouse search criteria. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 31 The courthouse search criteria is defined by selecting keyword from lists under the categories of # of Courtrooms, Cost, Built-Up Area, # of Courtrooms/Floor, # of Floors, Construction Completion Date, and Courtroom-Chamber Relationship. Clicking the search button leads to the courthouses matching the defined criteria.

Courthouse Search Results The courthouse search results page provides the resultant courthouses from the defined search criteria. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 32 The defined courthouse search criteria is shown first, followed by all the courthouses matching that criteria. Clicking on the title link leads to the browse page of the corresponding courthouse.

Courtroom Search The courtroom search page provides for keyword searching by defining courthouse search criteria. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 33 The courtroom search criteria is defined by selecting keyword from lists under the categories of Courtroom Type, Shape, Bench Location, Witness Box Location, Jury Box Depth, and Natural Light. Clicking the search button leads to the courtrooms matching the defined criteria.

Courtroom Search Results The courtroom search results page provides the resultant courtrooms from the defined search criteria. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 34 The defined courtroom search criteria is shown first, followed by all the courtrooms matching that criteria. Clicking on the title link leads to the browse page of the corresponding courthouse.

Compare The compare function defaults to web page on the courthouse level. The user can select a courthouse on the left side and on the right side by clicking on the drop down menu. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 35 Clicking on the compare button opens a new window where the selected courthouses are displayed side by side

Compare The compare function defaults to the main webpage of each courthouse; where an interactive 360 degree frontal view of the courthouse is shown An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 36 The user can select another courthouse by clicking on the drop down menu and changing his initial selection

Compare The user can change the level of courthouse attributes by clicking on the drop down menu. The drop down menu has the same structure as the left side bar on the regular browse page i.e. it contains the courthouse level, the public zone, the courtroom zone, etc An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 37 The user can click on the buttons on top to change the type of information he/she is looking for e.g. information, drawings, statistics, etc

Compare This is an example of a user comparing between the 3D models of two courthouses. An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 38

Future Compare function Within the new version of the website, the user can compare the attributes of a courthouse to either one other courthouse, or to the whole sample in the data base. More quantitative analytical data can be found in the new version of the compare function. This is a sample of the results that can be obtained An Interactive Multimedia Database of U.S. Courthouses 39 In this example, the courthouses re being ranked by one attribute i.e. the gross built up area giving the user a more elaborate idea about the ranking of a certain courthouse within a selected sample