Abu Dhabi’s new Building Codes - underpinning sustainable development ADSG FQM 2011
The DMA 4 entities, DMA, Abu Dhabi Municipality, Al Ain Municipality, Western Region Municipality Staff of DMA develops strategy, policy and regulations. Municipalities are the implementation arm.
DMA’s Vision & Mission Vision “An advanced municipal system that enables sustainable development and enhances quality of living for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.” Mission “To achieve the Abu Dhabi Government’s objective of providing distinctive municipal services that enhance the quality of living of all residents through coordination, oversight and monitoring of the Abu Dhabi Municipalities and Municipal Councils”
In 2006 the government underwent a restructure to create a decentralized model…..
of specialist departments with specific functions…
DMA is providing the integrated framework to enable the development of sustainable cities with an enhanced quality of life… Commitment towards creating cities that are economically, socially and ecologically sustainable. Collaborate with other government agencies. Develop laws and regulations. Develop municipal governance frameworks. Support the Municipal System deliver quality services Developing relationships with the public, private & ‘third’ sectors
through an advanced Municipal System… “By integrating the regulations and policies of all government agencies …the DMA can demonstrate to the world that the Emirate has a comprehensive regulatory framework in place befitting a 21 st Century economy” HE Ahmed Shareef-DMA Undersecretary Sustainability Report
and the Municipal Code regulatory framework Main Responsibility for Regulation
Building codes…regulating sustainability in the building & construction sector… IBC- International Building Code IECC- International Energy Conservation Code IPC-International Plumbing Code IFC- International Fire Code IMC-International Mechanical Code IFGC- International Fuel Gas Code IPSDC-International Private Sewage Disposal Code
IBC- International Building Code…improving quality of life and quality of construction by addressing.. Durability Life safety & accessibility Interior environment (ventilation & daylighting) Structural design & inspection Materials-durability and combustibility & ecological impact (cement replacement) Flood resistance
IECC-International Energy Conservation Code…. Governance New construction or minor renovation-triggers code. All items available ‘ off the shelf ’. Energy modeling mandatory. Energy density targets- UN targets for extremely hot climates (Kuwait, Riyadh, Calcutta, Hong Kong) of 132Kwh/m2/pa for residential & 96Kwh/m2/pa for commercial are achievable. Commissioning requirements include commissioning plan, systems balancing report, preliminary and final commissioning reports, as- built drawings & maintenance manuals. Extensive metering requirements for base building and tenancies. Options exist for 3% renewable energy OR greater energy efficiency IECC-
International Energy Conservation Code…. Perimeter Both a prescriptive and performance routes- code prescribes maximum 30% glazing or follow ASHRAE 90.1 Prescriptive U values -walls 0.33, roof 0.22, fenestration system 2.1(including frame). Solar Reflectance Index -64 for the roof. Projection factor determines fenestration SHGC values. The greater the projection the higher the SHGC No projection =0.25, maximum projection=0.4 Air leakage- Maximum7.2m3/hr/m2 at 70Pa. Continuous air barrier.
International Energy Conservation Code…. Mechanical Systems Right-sizing - submit calculations supporting plant and equipment selection. COP - air and water cooled equipment ranging from 3.4 for small air cooled units to 6 for water cooled chillers greater than 600TR Maximum allowable duct leakage. Dynamic systems such as using VAV & VSD mandatory Demand controlled ventilation DCV for spaces greater than 50m2 Set point 24 deg C with RH 50% Integrated systems- energy recovery using enthalpy wheel, condensate, waste heat etc.
International Energy Conservation Code…. Lighting systems 75% high efficacy lighting (60w/l) Fully controlled -including specifications for holiday mode. Lighting densities -internally and externally. Day-lighting control zones (max 250m2). Automatic controls for day-lighting. Occupancy sensors.
International Mechanical Code …improving indoor air quality, reducing CO2 & protecting the ozone layer through… Prescribed minimum outdoor air %, Minimum ventilation rates to protect occupant health, Design of ductwork to promote efficiency (insulation, leakage) Zone and air distribution effectiveness, Minimum car park ventilation rates, Exhaust systems, Refrigerant classifications, Thermal storage & ground source heat pump systems
International Plumbing Code….water (and therefore energy) conservation through… Fittings & fixtures flow rates Temperature regulators, Condensate harvesting, Metering Wastewater re-use
International Plumbing Code… Fixtures & Fittings Washbasin-6lm Showerhead-9l/m Water closet-dual flush with small flush=3litres Residential Consumption –Estimate of Internal Use Minimum bathing-1x5 minute shower/day= 30 litres Minimum toilet flushing= 15 litres Miscellaneous (washing, housecleaning)= litres = litres/day based on behavior ADSSC sizes STEP Tunnel on 275l/pp/day sewage.
International Fire Code… regulations for life safety… Regulates and safeguards hazards of fire or explosions resulting from the storage or use of hazardous materials, safety to life and property, matters related to fire suppression or alarm systems and conditions affecting the safety of fire fighters and emergency responders.
International Private Sewage Disposal Code.. treatment of sewage in remote locations Safe and sanitary installation of individual sewage disposal systems.
International Fuel Gas Code- safe installation of fuel gas systems Addresses design and installation of fuel gas systems and gas-fired appliances through requirements emphasizing performance.
..which ‘dovetail’ with the recently developed International Green Construction Code……..
The building codes have been developed in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders…
which involves the alignment of process streams for development and building permit approval…..
…and with worker health & safety heavily regulated through the DMA’s EHSMS for the Building & Construction sector…
Thank You