Data Enriched Place-based Education 1- Dominion Christian School; 2- Earth & Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State University; 3- Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Enriched Place-based Education 1- Dominion Christian School; 2- Earth & Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State University; 3- Department of Geosciences, Earth & Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State University Sharon Dykhoff 1, Jennifer Williams 2, Susan L. Brantley 3 From Pennsylvania Creeks to Virginia Streams

Data Enriched Place-based Education Data enriches place-based education: teaches scientific concepts by actively engaging students in collecting data that connects them to issues in their local environment connects students to the larger data sets from the scientific community Teen Shale Network – Pennsylvania surface water quality Difficult Run – Virginia streams and the Chesapeake Bay

Place-based education (PBE) Offers hands-on, authentic learning experiences Enhances natural appreciation of the world Connects students to community Fosters active, serving citizenship David Sobel (2004)

Pairing PBE and STEM Image: education-alliance7498.php Image: Sharon Dykhoff

Pairing PBE and STEM Locally-focused projectsSmall geographic scale Student generated knowledge / observations First-hand, quantifiable data collected in the field Small data setsSecondary data sets (larger, remotely-collected) Local team interaction and collaboration Connection with larger scientific community

Secondary data enriches PBE Sources of secondary data include: NOAA USGS Critical Zone Observatories Stroud Water Research Center CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System

USGS stream gage data for temperature and dissolved oxygen Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop NWISDV

Data source CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop NWISDV

CUAHSI: Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. Location Variable of interest Time period Time series of data A map-based, desktop tool for finding hydrologic data Image: CUAHSI-HIS

Boulder Creek Christina River Catalina/ Jemez River Luquillo Southern Sierra Susquehanna Shale Hills HydroDesktop has over 100 sources of water data, including CZO data Image:

Data searches specified by: Geographic region Keywords (variables) Time frame Data source Finding Hydrologic Data with HydroDesktop Download at Image: CUAHSI-HIS

Geographic location Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop SSH CZO

Data source Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop SSH CZO

Keyword variables and dates Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop SSH CZO

Sites with data Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop SSH CZO

Excel graph made with data from HydroDesktop

Search by keywords, in multiple databases Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop SSH CZO, CR CZO

Search in multiple databases Data sources: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop CR CZO, NWISDV, EPA Storet EPA Storet CR CZO NWISDV

Enriching place with data Teen Shale Network at Black Moshannon Creek Images: Sharon Dykhoff

Shale Network Pennsylvania data, Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop Shale Network

Black Moshannon Creek sites Clearfield & Centre Counties Data source: CUAHSI-HIS HydroDesktop Shale Network

Enriching place with data Stream Studies Difficult Run Watershed, Virginia Images: Sharon Dykhoff

Data source: HydroDesktop NWIS USGS stream gage data Fairfax County, Virginia

Data source: HydroDesktop NWISDV USGS stream gage data Fairfax County, Virginia

Next Generation Science Standards National Research Council’s Framework for K-12 Education, 2011 Core knowledge Cross-cutting concepts Practices “Engaging in the practices of science helps students understand how scientific knowledge develops; such direct involvement gives them an appreciation of the wide range of approaches that are used to investigate, model, and explain the world.” (NGSS Lead States, Appendix F, p. 1)

References Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (CUAHSI-HIS). (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2015, from Hougham, R. J., Eitel, K. C., & Miller, B. G. (2015). Technology-Enriched STEM Investigations of Place: Using Technology to Extend the Senses and Build Connections to and Between Places in Science Education. Journal of Geoscience Education, 63(2), doi: / National Critical Zone Observatory. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2015 from NGSS Lead States. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Appendix F. (2013, April). Retrieved August 6, 2015, from | A Network of Shale Water Researchers. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2015, from Sobel, D. (2005). Place-based education: Connecting classrooms and communities (2 nd ed.). Barrington, MA: The Orion Society. Turrin, M. (2015, July 1). A Day in the Field. The Science Teacher,

Acknowledgments Dr. Hyojin Kim Dave Pedersen Dr. Anna Wendt Dr. Tim White Jennifer Williams Dr. Susan Brantley Brandon Forsythe Matt Gonzales Xin Gu Beth Hoagland