Increasing US-Asia Science and Networking Collaborations Jim Williams Indiana University
Collaborations of Three Different Types 1.Networking and network technology collaborations 2.Networking research collaborations 3.Science collaborations
Networking and Network Technology Collaborations Operational activities sometimes within networks but more interesting when across networks They can involve fixing broken things (routing) They can involve developing new things (DCN, measurement) These are operationally based cooperations that begin with discussions at APAN (or IEFT or wherever)
Networking research collaborations Networking activities with a strong research component Generally funded by a government agency, usually with an internal focus Difficult to open up to researchers from other countries and organizations Some international attempts such as OpenFlow and GENI
Science collaborations University or agency researcher to researcher collaborations Initiated and developed via academic discipline meetings Network should offer a vehicle for encouraging these collaborations To increase science collaborations we need a more outward looking presence. We need to explain exactly what the network will do for these researchers and how we will do that…
Questions Jim Williams Indiana University