CA Estuary Monitoring Workgroup (CEMW) December 18,2012 CA 1
I NTRODUCTIONS AND A NNOUNCEMENTS Delta RMP Delta Conservancy DataOne Node 10 – 10:15 2
L IAISON R EPORTS FROM CWQMC AND OTHER W ORKGROUPS CA WQMC: Jon Marshack; CEMW presentation to Council: Val Connor CA Wetland Monitoring Workgroup: still looking for liaison; Healthy Streams Partnership: Lori Weber Data management Workgroup: Meredith Williams Joint meeting of Data Workgroup with other workgroups: Hilde Spautz BOG workgroup for “Is it Safe to eath fish?” Beach workgroup for “Is it Safe to Swim?” Ocean Workgroup: still forming 3
Integrating Existing Portals Existing common entry point Simple link to other relevant information Common base map CARI Other? State of the Estuary Report: beneficial uses CEMW: Living Resources and Food web (Safe to swim; Safe to eat fish; Habitat: Healthy streams, Wetlands) 10:
Real -Time Continuous Data Update and Discussion Agency Information Needs?? Workgroup Site: – Post “raw” data – Post QA procedures – Post data of known and documented quality?? USGS; DWR; BoR – GR tool for eliminating outliers 5
Real Time Data Needs SWRCB: Compliance with Bay Delta Plan
IEP Zooplankton Data Data Needs 7
Bringing the D-1641 report to life on the web Focus on biology status and trends – Phytoplankton: – Zooplankton – Fish State of the Bay Indicators and Indices – Fish example 8
Phytoplankton Chlorophyll A (biomass estimate) Community composition: – Centric and Pennate diatoms – Cyanobacteria – Unidentified, Chrysophyte & Cryptophyte flagellates – Green algae (97%) Captures “winners and losers”; not HABs Tells story of changing food web Aggregate for portal 9
Zooplankton Mysids (5 most abundant) Calenoid copepods (5 most abundant) Cyclopiod copepods (3 most abundant) Cladocerans (3 most abundant) Rotifers (3 most abundant) (??%) Captures “winners and losers” Tells story of changing food web Aggregate for portal 10
Hydrologic Conditions Freshwater inflow Freshwater outflow Exports Rain data 11
Water Quality –D-1641 Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Specific Conductance Secchi Depth, turbidity Nutrients 12
Water Quality – Delta Pulse Nutrients Current Use Pesticides; pyrethroids Salinity Selenium (from SJR) Dissolved Oxygen (in lower SJR) 13
Fish –Abundance Indices POD – Delta Smelt – Longfin Smelt – Stripped Bass (Y0Y) – Threadfin Shad Centrachids Salmon 14
Fish – State of the Bay Fish Index 10 indicators How many? Abundance (4) – Pelagic, demersal, sensitive, anchovies How many species? Diversity (2) What kind of fish? (2) – Species Composition – Native vs Non-native Where are the fish? Distribution (2) – Native vs Non-native 15
SPATIAL DATA AGGREGATION METHODS Entrapment Zone in D-1641 is outdated Low Salinity Zone ROA’s Station Clumping Historical Regions ERP Map Tidal Stage Regional Approach: San Pablo Bay, Napa River, Suisun Marsh, Lower Sac River, Cache Slough, Sacramento Ship Channel, Upper Sacramento River, near Franks Tract, East Central Delta, East Southeast Delta, Southeast Delta, Middle River, Old River, Lower San Joaquin River, Chipps Island, Suisun Bay, Carquinez Strait Identify needed presets for aggregating data spatially. 16
National Water Quality Monitoring Council -Water Quality Portal The NWQMC Water Quality Portal brings together chemical, physical and microbiological data from USGS's National Water Information System (NWIS) and USEPA's Storage and Retrieval Data Warehouse (STORET). The portal can assist data users searching, compiling, and formatting water monitoring data for analysis by providing a variety of query filters including geographic and sample parameters to narrow down the dataset, and by retrieving merged data from NWIS and STORET in a consistent format. Data can be acquired based on organization, state, county, watershed, site, sample characteristics, and sample date. Output formats available through the portal include comma-separated, tab-separated, MS Excel, Keyhole Markup Language (KML), and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Recommend or not recommend continued participation of CEDEN in this national program in order to simplify data sources and optimize data query procedures. 17
2013 CEMW Meetings– 3 rd Tuesdays January 22 nd (4 th Tuesday) March 19th May 21 st – approve portal screen shots for 5/29 Council mtg July 16 th or August 20 th – approve draft portal for 8/28 Council mtg September 17 th – approve initial portal November 18 th 18
January 22 nd Meeting Agenda Announcements Liaison Reports Decisions 19