The Physical Domain Chapter 13
Kansas Early Learning STANDARDS Develops Gross Motor Skills PHD Benchmark 1.1: Moves body with control and balance (spatial awareness and coordination) Pre3 1: Balances on one foot Pre3 2: Hops on one foot Pre4 1: Runs around obstacles, turns corners
Standards Continued PHD Benchmark 1.2: Coordinates movements in space to accommodate objects and boundaries Pre3 1:Steers wheeled toys Pre3 2: Kicks a large ball Pre4 1: Moves body into position to catch a ball, and then throws the ball in the right direction
Developmentally Appropriate Practice Children have opportunities throughout the day to move freely and use large muscles in planned movement activities. Planned indoor and outdoor activities, , involving balancing, running, jumping and other vigorous movements, are provided to increase the child’s understanding of movement and to support gross motor development.
Inappropriate Practices Opportunities for large muscle activity(indoor or outdoor) is limited to once a day or less. Outdoor time is limited because it is viewed as interfering with instruction time. Adults are NOT involved during outdoor time, which is viewed as recess (a way to get children to use up excess energy) rather than an integral part of the children's skill development and learning.
Teaching Strategies Use learning centers to teach skills Provide opportunities for children to explore equipment and try out physical behaviors suggested by the equipment or materials Observe children’s performance of each skill or interest Demonstrate the skill to be mastered and incorporate do-it signals
Perceptual Motor skills Spatial Awareness: where the body is in terms of others in the environment. Figure Ground Perception: determining what is in the foreground and in the background usually involves auditory or visual perception skills. (children finding objects that are inside the picture of many) Temporal Awareness: rhythm is one kind of organized time that young children can do
Perceptual Motor Skills Balance Static Balance; ability to maintain a posture while holding still Dynamic Balance: ability to remain in a desired position while moving
Body and Directional Awareness Body awareness: knowledge about names and functions of the various parts of the body Directional awareness: knowledge of a combination of the understanding of concepts such as Up and Down Front and back Left and right
PHD Standard 2: Develops Fine Motor Skills PHD Benchmark 2.1: Develops small muscles with purpose and coordination Pre 3 1: Cuts out simple shapes Pre3 2:Draws and paints with some detail Pre3 3:Manages large buttons and zippers Pre4 1:Reproduces some shapes and letters with writing utensils Pre4 2: Grasps scissors with thumb on top
Appropriate Practice Children have opportunities throughout the day to develop fine motor skills through play activities such as pegboards, beads to string, construction sets and puzzles; drawing, painting , clay sculpting, cutting, and other similar activities, and such routines as pouring juice or dressing themselves.
Inappropriate Practices Children are given fine motor tasks that are too difficult or are expected to persist at fine motor work for long periods of time. Teachers provide insufficient opportunity for children to develop fine motor skill. Fine motor activity is limited to handwriting practice, coloring pre-drawn worksheets or similar structured lessons.
Fine Motor skills Coordination of sensory information with the motoric action is necessary. These skills take time and practice to develop.
General Principles of Fine Motor Development The proximal-distal principle in which the shoulder, arm, wrists and then finger muscles are used in succession as children move on to greater control Maturation, learning and practice are all significant factors in a child’s ultimate success: maturation alone does not lead to skillful performance Children acquire knowledge and skill gradually and are heavily influenced by the presence of models in the environment
Continued Mature performance is the result of years of practice Growth or the increase of the size of the hands may contribute to children’s learning some skills, such as keyboarding and piano playing because of the reach that is requires to use the correct form Children progress through the same developmental sequences although considerable variation in rates can be seen.
Continued Provide suggestions and strategies to support the child’s learning. Intersperse guided practice with modeling Emphasize qualitative movement over quantitative outcomes Provide encouragement and feedback to children about their performance Use problem solving strategies to explore movement concepts.
Encourage suggestions from the children Establish guidelines for safety, level of participation ad respect for others.
To encourage Perceptual Motor Skills Provide opportunities to practice balance that are simple at first, then move on to more challenging opportunities. Incorporate concepts of spatial and time awareness into other domains as opportunities arise. Select noncompetitive group games or modify familiar games to reduce or eliminate competition
Use directional language in context daily, including left and right for older children, Use accurate language for naming body parts Provide safety information and guidance to prevent hazards as children explore their bodies' functions and capabilities. With younger children, provide an uncluttered background for objects you want them to see.
PHD Benchmark 3.2: Follows safety rules/precautions Pre3 1: Knows common safety rules that have been discussed Pre3 2:Behaves appropriately during emergency evacuation drills Pre4 1: Recognizes warning symbols and communicates their meaning (red light, stop sign, poison symbol, etc)
PHD Standard 3 Demonstrates behaviors that promote good health PHD Benchmark 3.3: Practices good personal hygiene Pre3 1: Takes care of own toileting needs Pre 4 1Washes and dries hands before eating and after toileting Pre 4 2: Brushes teeth independently after meals
KS Health and Safety ELS PHD Standard Demonstrates behaviors that promote good health. Benchmark 3.1 Exhibits healthy eating habits Pre3 1: Eats with fork and/or spoon Pre3 2: Transfers food and liquid between containers, (serve self during family meals) Pre4 1: Identifies different food groups Pre4 2: Able to scoop from large bowl to open plate (serve self during family meals)
Appropriate Practices Children have opportunities and teachers’ support to demonstrate and practice developing self help skills, such as dressing, toileting, serving and feeding themselves, brushing teeth, washing hands, and helping to pick up toys. Teachers are patient when ther are occasional toileting accidents, spilled food and unfinished jobs.
Inappropriate Practices Teachers or other adults often perform routine tasks for children because it is faster and easier. Adults display anger or shame children for toileting accidents or spills.
Health, Safety and Nutrition Must be included in the curriculum. Children learn this best through modeling, and direct teaching. We can extend this to families as well.
Health, Nutrition and Safety Plan vigorous physical activity every day. Demonstrate concern for your fitness and health so that children an imitate what you do. Incorporate health and safety education when applicable Communicate regularly with families Use mealtimes to teach nutrition and proper eating habits When talking about food choices, use the phrase a better choice rather than good foods and bad foods.