TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 TransPAC2 US-Asia Connectivity James Williams – Indiana University
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 TransPAC2 Partners TransPAC2 Co-investigator partner – Internet2 TransPAC2 Asia regional partner – APAN ( TransPAC2 Japanese partners - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and the National Institute of Informatics (NII) TransPAC2 – EU TEIN2 partnership
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Leverage and Partnerships Key IRNC concepts allowing: 1. Much more extensive network development and connectivity than IRNC only funding would permit. 2. Fostering/developing more active relationships between US and non-US network engineers. 3. Leads to better international scientific and technical interactions
TransPAC2 TOP 10 apps Significant aggregated (In/Out) flows between Institution 1 and Institution 2 One year aggregate data
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Another leverage slide This cleaner slide shows more clearly the TransPAC2 – EU/TEIN2 relationship, particularly as it relates to Pakistan.
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Pakistan-Background Briefing in preparation for the United States-Pakistan First Joint Committee on Science and Technology (Feb 13-14, 2007). From that FJC report, and introduction of high speed connectivity between the two countries. Cooperative project between TransPAC2 (US-IRNC initiative) and PERN2 (Pakistan-HEC initiative)
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Pakistan-Current Status Funding request submitted to NSF and funds allocated for US half of project. Pakistan-HEC funding approved and allocated for Pakistan half of project. Technical details within Pakistan to be completed around 1/1/2008 Connection completed in 1 st Quarter 2008.
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Pakistan – Technical Details Connection from Singapore to Karachi Sharing of EU TEIN2 POP in Singapore Split costs of the wet segment between Singapore-Karachi Connection to PERN2 network in Karachi Direct NSF and NIH PI support/interest Planned US-Pakistan joint science meeting
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Not just a network connection Partial funding included for a US-Pakistan science meeting to advertise and encourage scientific interaction using high- performance networking Pakistan desire to promote this as an example of government-government cooperation and the expansion/deepening of civil society.
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 India remains difficult The same approach which was successful with Pakistan has had no success within India. We have been unable to find the government official within India who has both the vision and the authority of Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman in Pakistan.
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Interesting IRNC Side Effects RENOG - (Research and Education Network Operators Group [CCIRN chartered]) South Asia SIG - (Sub-group of the Internet2 Developing NREN Group)
TRANSPAC2TRANSPAC2 Jim Williams Indiana University Questions