TransPAC2 Update Brent Sweeny TransPAC2 Engineer 24 January 2008 APAN Honolulu
Preview Staffing changes Topology Description RFP Status Internet2 DCN Connectivity perfSONAR update (John Hicks)
Staffing Changes Former engineer Chris Robb has taken a position at Internet2 as Manager of Network Operations Brent Sweeny will take on primary TransPAC2 engineering responsibilities Please add Brent to all relevant engineering lists
Current Topology No significant topological change in the last year
Q Topology Additional connectivity from Pacific Wave to Internet2 DCN Los Angeles Node
Internet2 DCN Connectivity Problem: TransPAC2 is a production Layer3 routed IP network Problem: Researchers in Asia want to explore Layer2 connectivity to the Internet2 DCN Network via TransPAC2 Solution: MPLS L2VPN and Juniper CCC to stitch an end-to-end Layer2 path between Tokyo and Los Angeles
DCN Topology Illustration
perfSONAR Architecture Measurement Points Data Services Measurement Archives Transformations Service Configuration Auth(n/z) Services Infrastructure Information Services Topology Service Lookup Analysis/Visualization User GUIs Web Pages NOC Alarms
Adoption of perfSONAR R&E Networks –Internet2 –ESnet –GÉANT2 –European NRENs –RNP Application Communities –LHC –Others
Deployment strategy LS, MA (snmp, bwctl, owamo ) LS,MA (snmp, bwctl, owamp) MA (snmp, bwctl, owamp)
Questions? Engineering: Brent Sweeny Measurement: John Hicks Administrative: Jim Williams NOC Desk