HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE Автор: Симоненко Ольга Руководитель: Филатова И.В. МКОУ «Гоноховская СОШ Завьяловского района»


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Presentation transcript:

HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE Автор: Симоненко Ольга Руководитель: Филатова И.В. МКОУ «Гоноховская СОШ Завьяловского района»

Healthy way of life… is this something abstract and unreachable nowadays? Of course not! Healthy way of life is absolutely real and not so difficult lifestyle habits to bring in life for everyone. Здоровье – это ценность и богатство, Здоровьем людям надо дорожить! Есть правильно и спортом заниматься, И закаляться, и с зарядкою дружить.

Healthy way of life bad habits Daily regime Healthy meal Good mood Keeping fit

Daily regime that presupposes enough of sleeping hours, regular meals, proper time for work and relax. All parts of your life organically and significantly improve each other, when every of them is treated at right time and in proper manner

Healthy meal. What can be beter than a well-balanced diet, that brings your body exactly what it needs. When speaking about "well-balanced" I mean a balance both between the pleasure from your favourite meals and their usefulness for your body. A proper diet is not something about limiting yourself, it is about harmony of properly selected foods especially for You.

NO bad habits Being not addicted to bad habits - including in the list of bad habits oversleeping and overeating. Your mind and body should master your habits, not vice versa. If some of your habits make good for your mind, but the same time are bad for your body - something should be revised in your lifestyle.

Keeping fit that helps you to be in a good shape, to feel more energetic after working out, to get rid of stress with the help of physical charge. Today you have a great variety of methods helping to keep fit: morning exercises, gym, swimming pool, jogging, aerobics, yogi, fitness training. Again, the right criteria to choose the proper solution from these variants for You: You should like it, both physically and mentally.

Good mood It is very important to be in a good form physically and mentally - positive mood is not just good emotions. Joy and good mood are very powerful cleaning and healing energy for your mind, body and soul.


Health program of our school: 1. Daily regime. 2. Healthy meal. 3. Keeping fit 4. Only good habits. 5. Sport events.

Daily regime Every pupil at our school makes its own «Daily regime» and tries to follow it:

Healthy meal. Our pupils grow vegetables, fruit, berries in our school garden for school canteen. Наши ученики выращивают овощи, фрукты и ягоды, которыми питаются в школьной столовой.

Знают взрослые и дети Пользу витаминов этих: Фрукты, овощи на грядке – Со здоровьем все в порядке.! Some of us like apples, Some drink juice at night, Some of us eat many sweets, Some don’t think it’s right.

Keeping fit Our pupils go on excursions. Наши ученики регулярно ходят на экскурсии.

Only good habits Our teachers tell us about good habits during lessons. На классных часах и школьных мероприятиях мы обсуждаем полезные привычки.

Sport builds character, it makes us strong. It helps to meet people and to become good friends. Sport teaches us to win and to lose. And, of course, those people who go in for different kinds of sports are in a good shape. Быть здоровым – это модно! Дружно, весело, задорно. Становитесь на зарядку. Организму – подзарядка!

Sports Творчески организована спортивная работа с учащимися нашей школы, проводятся различные спортивные мероприятия: Кроссы Туристические слеты Игра «Зарница» Игра «Зарничка» игра «Безопасное колесо Соревнования по баскетболу, футболу Соревнования по лыжным гонкам Соревнования по легкой атлетике Веселые старты Гагаринский пробег Дни здоровья

This competition takes place in spring. Безопасное колесо

The Most Interesting Winter Game Военно-патриотическая игра «Зарница»

Winter Competitions Веселые старты

Spring Competitions Игра «Зарничка»

Здоровый образ жизни – это сила! Good health is above wealth Ведь без здоровья в жизни никуда. An apple a day keeps a doctor away Давайте вместе будем сильны и красивы, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Тогда года нам будут не беда! When we all are in good health, then we have a good mood....
