Integrated Catchment Management Key Elements - Julie Burke
Integrated Catchment Management: What is it? ›Management of a watershed ›Taking account of all competing interests: Economic use of land and water Environmental concerns Social and cultural uses and values ›Taking advantage of knowledge in all disciplines: Water engineering, economics, ecology, agricultural studies, forestry, sociology etc
Integrated Catchment Management: Key Elements ›driving issues ›identification of assets to be protected ›mechanisms to manage trade-offs and processes to manage negotiations ›measurable and simple objectives set ›Assessment of scenarios against objectives ›clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities ›capacity of partners to carry out roles ›mechanisms to monitor, evaluate and improve the approach
In the Murray-Darling Basin, the Driving Issues are › Water sharing › Water quality › Riverine Ecosystem Health › Biodiversity
Basin assets in the Broad (Goals) ›Healthy Rivers ›Healthy Ecosystems ›Productive and Innovative Industries ›Healthy regional communities
Some Specific Basin assets ›Adelaide’s drinking water ›Barmah-Millewa Forest and Narran Lakes (Ramsar sites) ›Murray Irrigation Districts ›Lake Victoria (cultural site)
Managing Trade-offs ›Need to limit degradation of assets ›MDB will set limits on degradation of: »Water quantity and flow »Water quality »Riverine health »Biodiversity ›MDBC calls these limits “targets” ›These targets are a numerical form of objective against which all scenarios can be tested
1 32 End of valley target at site 1 Protects downstream Within-valley target at site 3: Protects wetland ecosystem Within-valley target at site 2: Protects irrigation water supply Within-valley target at site 4: Protects town water supply 4 Major Town Major Wetland Managing Trade-offs – Targets to protect assets 5. Management target for sub-catchment: Revegetation of 20% of sub-catchment area Irrigation District 5 Achievement of the target is the OBJECTIVE Protection of the assets is the desired OUTCOME Basin objective Catchment objectives
Assets identified and targets set at different scales Basin Commission Catchment States Sub-catchment CMOs Scale determines who manages negotiations and agrees targets
Managing Negotiations ›Identify stakeholders relevant to the issues and the scale ›Involve them in setting of targets, scenario development and assessment ›Everyone must have access to the same information
Assigning Roles ›Assign and agree roles and responsibilities ›Ensure mechanisms for reporting against responsibilities to all stakeholders ›Accountability, not blame
Capacity Building ›Capacities must match roles and responsibilities ›Capacities include: ›leadership ›legal and institutional ›financial ›technical ›knowledge base ›cultural
Knowledge Required at many stages ›Assessment of concerns (audit) ›Understanding of processes and drivers (economic, environmental, social) ›Modeling of scenarios, including “do nothing” ›Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation ›Monitor progress towards Objectives and Outcomes ›Monitor and evaluate the PROCESS ›Inform all stakeholders ›Learn from successes and failures to inform future actions ›all decisions are “interim” and must be tested
Issues Assets Trade-offs Measurable and simple objectives Scenario Assessment