Transportation 2030 Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area: Action Plan Update
ADEQUATE MAINTENANCE Potholes Ahead: More Local Road Dollars Needed Keeping Trains and Buses Humming State Highways Showing Their Age STRATEGIC EXPANSION HOT Network Delivers Carpool Lanes and Congestion Insurance MTC Resolution 3434: The Bay Area’s Vision for Transit Expansion Moving Goods to Market SYSTEM EFFICIENCY Squeezing Better Mileage From the Existing Network Clean Air in Motion Broadening Access to Mobility Providing A Transportation Lifeline Walk and Roll! A Seamless Transit Trip Enhancing Livability by Connecting Transportation & Land Use Getting There Safe and Sound Transportation 2030 Vision Investments and Calls to Actions Transportation 2030 Vision Investments and Calls to Actions
Transportation 2030 Investments & Actions Adequate Maintenance Transportation 2030 Investments & Actions Adequate Maintenance
More Potholes Ahead $16.7 billion in roadway maintenance costs $10.6 billion in revenues available as down payment Results in $6.1 billion shortfall Call to Action - Progress Strengthen Prop. 42 Proposition 1A on Nov. ballot eliminates suspension of Prop. 42, and instead allows for repayment of loans. Condition Maintenance Funds LS&R Committee devised STP/CMAQ allocation formula based on population, mileage, arterial-collector shortfall, and performance-based incentives for locals.
Keep Trains and Buses Humming $16.7 billion in transit capital costs $13.4 billion in revenues available as down payment Results in $2.8 billion shortfall Call to Action- Progress Asset Management 10% FTA formula funds distributed based on ridership & revenue MTC & transit operators developing Regional Transit Capital Inventory Function/Institution Consolidation Regional Rail Plan examining passenger rail consolidation MTC Advisory Council’s Transit Efficiency Initiative
Transportation 2030 Investments & Actions System Efficiency Transportation 2030 Investments & Actions System Efficiency
Squeezing Better Mileage from Existing Network $742 million needed to deploy Regional Operations Program $329 million in revenues available as down payment Results in $413 million shortfall Call to Action - Progress Give Bay Area Freeways a High-Tech Edge Regional Freeway Performance Initiative will examine and mitigate performance problems on freeways Ramp metering implemented on I-237/I-880 I/C, I-580 East, and soon San Mateo US 101
Clean Air in Motion Cleaner motor vehicles and fuels has helped to improve Bay Area air quality Number of days when region exceeds ozone levels has fallen dramatically over past 40 years Call to Action - Progress Reduce Particulate Matter from Buses/ Heavy Duty Vehicles Air District’s Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Retrofit Program installed 218 NOx/PM devices in 17 refuse collection fleets MTC and Air District are partnering with Port of Oakland to install LNG fueling station and retrofit heavy-duty trucks, as well as San Francisco International Airport to retrofit shuttle buses MTC and Air District implemented Spare the Air/Free Transit Campaign
Transportation 2030 Investments & Actions Strategic Expansion Transportation 2030 Investments & Actions Strategic Expansion
HOT Network Delivers Carpool Lanes and Congestion Insurance HOV lanes shave minutes off peak commutes, offering commuters a way to beat congestion Express buses use HOV lanes to bypass traffic and provide faster, more reliable service HOT lanes introduce pricing element into highway use by giving solo drivers option to pay to bypass congestion Call to Action - Progress Try Before We Buy I-680 Smart Carpool Lane implementation set for 2009 start-up VTA completing environmental studies for SR 85 and US 101 demos MTC, Caltrans, VTA, ACCMA leading Regional HOT Study
Moving Goods to Market Over 37 percent of Bay Area economic output is manufacturing, freight transportation, and warehouse and distribution businesses 80 percent of freight movement occurs on freeway corridors, especially I-880, U.S. 101 and I-80 corridors, followed by rail and air cargo Port of Oakland facilitates maritime freight movement, but is increasingly constrained due to congestion problems Call to Action - Progress Corridor Improvements Prop. 1B includes $2 billion for Statewide Trade Corridors Program Help State complete its Statewide Goods Movement Action Plan MTC, SACOG and SJCOG joint focus on I-80 and I-580 as key Northern Calif. Trade Corridors for Prop. 1B
Transportation 2030 Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area