The Internet in Education Objectives Introduction Overview –The World Wide Web –Web Page v. Web Site v. Portal Unique and Compelling Characteristics Navigation.


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Presentation transcript:

The Internet in Education Objectives Introduction Overview –The World Wide Web –Web Page v. Web Site v. Portal Unique and Compelling Characteristics Navigation Hyperlinks

Objectives Efficient use of Universal Resource Locators (URL). Difference between: –Web Page. –Web Site. –Portal. Recognize Unique and Compelling Properties of the Internet.

Introduction The Internet is a large collection of computer networks, which are tied together so that users can share their vast resources.

Introduction The Internet offers: Global Electronic Mail ( ). Knowledge Navigation. File Exchange. Discussion Groups. Live Conferencing.

Introduction The Internet uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) to control communication between computers in the network. The Internet is a global network of computers that communicate using common languages and protocols.

Introduction The four most important characteristics of the Internet as an educational tool are: –Offers access to Real Time Data. –Allows students to collaborate in research projects, making the classroom an open research laboratory. –Allows students to publish their work. –Allows access to primary sources of information.

The World Wide Web (www) Is an Internet browser, developed at CERN (The European Center for Research in High-Energy Physics – Switzerland). The www is a graphical network service of the Internet that allows users to create web pages, which are linked together by means of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http). HTTP uses hyperlinks (hotspot) to navigate.

Web Pages Web Pages are hypertext documents that are formatted using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Web Pages have unique web addresses called Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) URL is a naming convention that uniquely identifies: –The Internet Transfer Protocol. –The Type of Internet Address. –The Computer in the Internet where the Web Site is found (Domain). –The Type of Domain where the Page is found.

URL Type of ProtocolWWW address DomainDomain TypeCountry Code

URL Each URL is an Internet Protocol (IP) address, which consists of four sets of numbers, each between 0 and 255, separated by periods. e.g. ( )

Web Site Is a group of web pages found in a computer with access to the Internet. A web site is characterized by having its own customized home page, which allows navigation through the site.

Portal Specially developed gateways used mainly to address educational purposes. Gateways are commercially available domains or trees that provide a read only access to the Internet (America On-Line, CompuServ).

Electronic Mail ( ) Electronic mail ( ) is the oldest component of the Internet. It was originally designed as the only communication medium for computers in the ARPANET (1960’s).

Electronic Mail ( ) Tool used for communication between computers in the Internet. allows communication between: –Two individuals (personal ) –An individual and a group (Group )

Electronic Mail ( ) is a low investment / high return strategy for enhancing and maintaining local or global one-to-one contact with other people.

Electronic Mail ( ) What happens when you press the “send” button? –Source establishes connection to destination machine (port 25). –Destination machine accepts incoming connection and sends to the proper mailbox. –If message cannot be delivered an error is reported.

Electronic Mail ( ) Group involves setting up a Personal Distribution List, which allows the posting of messages to large groups of people; however, when a member of the list replies to a message, the message is by default delivered to the original sender. This shortcoming can be overcome by the use of ListServ, Majordomo or Local Newsgroups.

Electronic Mail ( ) ListServ Mailing list software that can be used for making files publicly accessible by .

Electronic Mail ( ) Majordomo Software package for managing public distribution lists. Allows one or more individuals to use a single distribution list from multiple computing platforms.

Electronic Mail ( ) Local Newsgroups A good way to communicate with a large group of people sharing the same interests.

Electronic Mail ( ) Drawbacks: –Anonymity –Privacy

Electronic Mail ( )

Anonymity The right of a person not to reveal his/her true identity

Electronic Mail ( ) Privacy The control an individual has over the kind of personal information to be released and to whom this information should be made available.

Electronic Mail ( ) Risks: –Eavesdropping –Monitoring –Manipulation of someone’s messages –Misrepresentation of someone’s identity

Electronic Mail ( ) s are stored in: –Mail servers –Relays –Temporary files

Electronic Mail ( ) Protocols: –Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) –Post Office Protocol (POP) –Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

Electronic Mail ( ) Etiquette - Netiquette Set of general rules developed to minimize the risks of mistakes or embarrassing errors when sending s.