Tell your partner what you know about this story. Why do you think it is called the “Fall”? Is it going to be scientifically true? The Story of the Fall.


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Presentation transcript:

Tell your partner what you know about this story. Why do you think it is called the “Fall”? Is it going to be scientifically true? The Story of the Fall

The Fall To describe the story of the Fall (L3/4) To identify and explain the theological truths in this story To evaluate whether Eve’s choice to obey the serpent Watch the video. Tell your partner what you think Adam and Eve did wrong.

Read Genesis 3:1-7 1.What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do? Vs 3 2.What did God warn them would happen if they did? Vs 3 3.What good things did the Serpent say would happen? Vs5 4. Why do you think they trusted the serpent, rather than listen to God’s warnings? **What happened to them, after eating the fruit?4 things. Gen 3:16-19.

What “theological truths” could this story be teaching us?

A.The story explains that there is a place called Eden which has been lost in time B.The story describes how Adam and Eve were the first people who sinned and lost paradise with God C.The story explains that the devil is really an animal who can talk D.The story explains that there is a force of evil that tries to separate us from loving and following God Write out 2 theological truths that the story teaches us. **What would you have done, if you were Adam and Eve?

What would you have done?

Way to God Draw the diagram. add 4 ways how their Sin made things go wrong for Adam and Eve **Do you think it is true that humans find it too easy to be bad? Is it a struggle to be good? Hid from God Blamed each other Felt ashamed of themselves Found nature was not on their side Have to work hard now in life

Would Adam and Eve agree with this quote? Would you?

homework “The Creation stories in Genesis are not useful to know.” Discuss. – They ARE NOT useful: Describe 2 things about Genesis 1 or Genesis 2 that cannot be scientifically true Explain why this means the stories are not useful to know – They ARE useful: Explain 2 messages that either Gen 1 or Gen 2 teaches us about God/ us. Include the quotes you are discussing. – Conclusion: -Explain your overall view. Are the stories useful to know or not? Give a reason for your opinion.