Chapter 6: Statistical units and data items Ilaria DiMatteo United Nations Statistics Division The 4 th meeting of the Oslo Group on energy statistics Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 February 2009
Chapter 6 Provisional text for the chapter, based on similar text approved by the Statistical Commission for other areas of economic statistics
Structure of the chapter A. Introduction B. Statistical units C. Classification of units by kind of economic activity D. Characteristics of statistical units E. Data items
B. Statistical units A statistical unit is an entity about which information is sought and for which statistics are ultimately compiled Other units are also distinguished (i.e. reporting and collection units), but the stat. units are of primary interest Basis of statistical aggregates Data items applies to all units
Selected statistical units Enterprise Enterprise group Establishment Kind-of-activity unit Unit of homogeneous production Households
IRIS and ISIC Rev. 4 are recommended references for the definitions and discussion of statistical units In general, it is recommended that large enterprises engaged in many economic activities that belong to different industries be broken into one or more establishments, provided that smaller and more homogeneous units can be identified for which data on energy production or other activities attributed to energy sector may be meaningfully compiled
C. Classification of stat. units by kind of activity Statistical unit can engage in a number of activities. Activities are classified into principal, secondary and ancillary activities. Sugar cane products For sale electricity Sugar cane products For sale
D. Characteristics of stats. units They are data items used for their unique identification, classification within particular activity area of energy, for description of various aspects of their structure, operation and relationship with other units. Important for effective organization of the statistical sample surveys comparisons between data from different data sources
Identification code Location Kind-of-activity Period of operation Type of economic organization Size Type of operation
Recommendations Countries are encouraged to use the establishment as a statistical unit for energy statistics Countries are encouraged to collect data for all relevant establishments belonging to a multi-establishment enterprise within a country
E. Data items Reference list for use in energy statistics It is recommended that countries select from that list the data items which are relevant for their national programmes of energy statistics in accordance with their own statistical circumstances, respondent load and available resources. It is further recommended that, while developing their own national lists of data items, countries consistently use the definitions of products and flows presented in chapters 3 and 5.
Organization of data items They are organized according to the following main categories of energy products This reflect common practices at national and international level (e.g. UN Manual F.56, IEA structure of questionnaires, EU regulation of energy statistics)
Within each category of products a) characteristics of stat. units b) data items for the energy sector c) data items for the consumption sector Data items mainly in physical units but some also in monetary units
Data items for oil and oil products List of products for which the list applies Characteristics of stat. units Employment (e.g. Tot. number of persons employed) Data items for the energy sector in physical units (production, imports, exports, etc.) Data items for the energy sector in monetary units (output, imports, exports, inventories etc.) Infrastructure (refinery capacity, investments)
Data items for oil and oil products Data items for the consumption sector in physical units (imports, exports, use of energy products for non-energy use, use of energy products for final energy consumption, stocks, etc.) Data items for the consumption sector in monetary units (value added, cost of energy products purchased for non-energy, etc.)
Questions The Oslo group is invited to provide comments on the text on stat. units provide comments on the characteristics of stat. units provide comments on the structure and scope of data items other