AB32 Scoping Plan Update Readiness (Adaptation) Plan Environmental Goals and Policy Report Climate Change Research Plan Water Plan Update Integrated Energy Policy Report Cap and Trade and Proposition 39 Investment Plans California’s Comprehensive Climate Change Strategy Other related plans include the Bioenergy Action Plan, the Zero Emission Vehicles Action Plan, Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, State Hazard Mitigation Plan, Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan, Extreme Heat Guidance, and Sea Level Rise Guidance.
AB32 Scoping Plan Update Update to the 2008 Scoping Plan per statute (five year updates) Covers all GHG-producing economic sectors Water chapter is a multi-agency collaboration (DWR, CEC, CPUC, SWRCB) ARB will adopt the Scoping Plan Update
Readiness Plan Update to 2009 Adaptation Plan Water sector strategies jointly authored by DWR and SWRCB Not a statutory requirement Led by Resources Agency
Environmental Goals and Policy Report Written by the Governor’s Office Has not been updated since 1978 (prior Jerry Brown administration) 2050 planning horizon
Climate Change Research Plan Identify research needs and prioritize research areas Led by CEC Use of the plan by state agencies will be voluntary
Water Plan Update Will include energy intensities of water sources All Resource Management Strategies will include GHG reduction and adaptation (readiness) actions Set for 2014 release
Integrated Energy Policy Report Focus on efforts to reduce GHG emissions from energy production and use Led by CEC Covers actions by CEC, CPUC, and ISO
Investment Plans for Cap and Trade and Prop 39 Funds Cap and Trade Investment Plan covers –Investment is for activities that advance AB32 goals, specifically reducing GHG emissions Prop 39 Investment Plan will likely cover five years –Investment is for energy efficiency in the education sector Both plans must be approved by the Legislature More details in Governor’s Office May Budget Revise Cap and Trade Investment Plan: Prop 39 Information: