Science and Technology Facilities Council UK coverage of Higgs announcement 4 July 2012
Objective: The campaign will operate in the period April 2011 to March 2015 with the objective of securing ongoing public and political support for particle physics research in the United Kingdom (to the widest extent possible) by: promoting the significant scientific, societal and economic benefits of current and past investments in the discipline to be measured by increased positive media coverage and editorials, statements of support from parliamentarians and non-physics opinion formers, and anecdotal or hard evidence of ongoing public support 4 July just one part of national campaign
The “plan” LHC is HUGE in the UK Needed to be ready whenever an announcement was made After December 2011 results, plan was updated, PP research groups engaged, processes tested, materials confirmed and produced Key messages developed and tested CERN Council Thursday 21 June – clear “something big” going to occur at ICHEP 4/5 July By Monday 25 June, venue booked, PP speakers confirmed, Minister notified, invites ready to go Monday 2 July confirmation from CERN DG of significant announcement – invites issued, media notified
The goal for 4 July Higgs was always going to be a global story So need to ensure UK media covered it as a UK story – “the UK is playing a leading role” And provide local angles for local media – needed national coordination of PP groups While seeking to include references to UK in global coverage where possible – target international wire services, BBC etc The messaging should focus on the long-term nature of PP research, highlighting the significant economic and social benefits flowing from basic research, and stressing the ongoing research programme at CERN The Higgs is just the beginning of entirely new frontiers of research
4 July activities Media event in London, close to Parliament Replica of LHC tunnel, other PP and “impact” displays to dress the room Live connection on big screens from CERN Media requirements were at centre of planning – goal was saturation coverage of breakfast media STFC CEO announcement at 8.10am local “a Higgs-like boson”, with 5 sigma Minister, MPs, senior officials, research leaders were present – Prime Minister planned to attend, but instead issued positive statement, and arranged a friendly question in Parliament CMS and ATLAS spokespeople on stage, plus representatives from numerous PP groups across UK
4 July activities
>12m TV viewers including live bulletins from CERN and London events - all networks, all major news/CA programs >14m radio listeners - live segments on main BBC AM news channels R4 Today and R5 Live) – on average a radio piece every 72 seconds 5-7 July nearly 1500 articles in daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines Higgs Boson mentioned every 1.1 seconds in UK social media across 4 July Briefed 100s of journalists, and arranged interviews with >80 PP experts from PhD students to Professors The results
Significant praise for the media handling and messaging from media, Ministers, funding departments, Institute of Physics, particle physics researchers, other disciplines Main Reuters global article on Higgs name-checked STFC: “it’s a boson!” My CEO quoted in >80 media articles Great result for CERN, but also for my team
4 July just the start……followed up with activities targeting Parliament…
Welsh Parliament, this week Students, public and parliamentarians – Westminster, London, late July…and more PP special for our magazine ….industry, students, public…
Lessons learnt Plan, plan, plan Be clear about goals, messaging, tactics Engage the research community early Ensures the best advocates are already on side, and available Stakeholder support vital in wider arguments about funding etc New people bring new ideas and solutions Avoids duplication of effort Work with CERN Press Office, always Be ready to monitor, and plan from the beginning for the follow-up