Ohio Punch Cards a brief overview Punch cards were used by 72% of 2004 Ohio voters, over 4,000,000 voters Ohio 2004 Presidential Election Cuyahoga County Analysis
CROSS-VOTING: Moving ballots to the wrong precinct after voting OR voting at the wrong precinct can alter the vote. Unlike Florida, Ohio rotated the candidate order.
Cross-Voting. An egregious location. At the two Benedictine High School precincts, about 379 Kerry votes and 10 Bush votes counted for third-party candidates when voters punched their ballots at the wrong precincts. bBKdpbBKdp KdpbBKdpbB
Vote-Switching? Researchers asked: How many Kerry and Bush votes were switched? and To whose advantage? One major candidate cross- vote changes the election margin by two votes, i.e., - K AND + B - K d P b B + B K d P b
Locations with Multiple Ballot Orders Over 525,000 Cuyahoga Votes Seven-eights of votes in Cuyahoga County more than one of every eight Ohio Kerry voters could have been cast at an adjacent precinct using the wrong ballot order.
At locations where Kerry cross-votes only count for: Badnarik his votes increase five-fold Peroutka his votes increase eight-fold T hird-party voting increased over one percent.
Major candidate switched-votes 'count' twice! adding one and subtracting one i.e., - K AND + B If over one percent of Ohio Kerry votes incorrectly counted for Bush, the election outcome changed.
Kerry support correlates with the percentage of non-votes. Precincts with greater than 3.6 % non-voting average 10% Bush support. KdPbBKdPbB BKdPbBKdPb ?
In a subset of 166,953 votes, one of every 34 Ohio voters, the Kerry-Bush margin shifts 6.15% when the population is sorted by the probable outcomes of cross-voting.
Badnarik, Bush, Kerry, Disqualified, or Peroutka OHIO 2004 Punch Card Voting
bBKdpbBKdp KdPbBKdPbB BKdPbBKdPb pbBKdpbBKd dpbBKdpbBK Five Precincts with Five Kerry Votes.
bBKdpbBKdp KdPbBKdPbB BKdPbBKdPb pbBKdpbBKd dpbBKdpbBK Move Each Ballot to the Adjacent Precinct.
bBKdpbBKdp KdPbBKdPbB BKdPbBKdPb pbBKdpbBKd dpbBKdpbBK And Five Kerry Votes Become Five Bush Votes.
Assuming the vote was Kerry = 50 Bush = 50 Total = 100 Switching 5 % of the votes Kerry 50 – 5 = 45 Bush = 55 Bush Margin = 10 Changes the margin by 10 %
The probability of Kerry-Bush vote-switching is highest where Kerry support is highest. Organization of ballot order combinations favored Kerry-Bush vote-switching. Every switched-vote 'counts' twice! i.e., - K AND + B
Other Issues: Numerous voters were dropped from voter registration rolls. 92,720 ballots in Ohio did not register a vote for President. Officials in Ohio rejected about 150,000 provisional ballots. Lines at the polls deterred an unknown number of voters. Article: The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election: Cuyahoga County Analysis How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes jqjacobs.net/politics/ohio.html ©2008 by James Q. Jacobs The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election: Cuyahoga County Analysis How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes Next PowerPoint: How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes