My magazine
Proposal Initial idea - I love RnB + There are few RnB mag’s on the Market = I’m going to do an RnB magazine. - £1 / monthly -Uni – Sex -New and upcoming RnB artists.
Purpose Awareness Inform Editorial Advertise Contact Promotion
Content ideas Upcoming stars Making your own RnB group Song of the month List of this months top 20 Downloaded RnB songs Pictures from recent RnB gigs Photo shoot of upcoming RnB group Interviews with up and coming stars Advertising Viewer picture of the month
Possible names (RnB) Are and Bee RnB Knowledge G’ entertainment Beats on the streets ‘UPCOMING’
The target audience I am aiming at is young teenagers, to people in their twenties. (16-21) Both male and females. All classes, there wont be a high price so therefore it wont be too expensive. Target Audience
My created readers CharlieJade
Front cover ideas Big front image Catchy strap lines Colourful Cool RnB ethos
Examples of both the ‘VIBE’ and ‘Billboard’ magazine.