Ch 3:Rhythm Ch 4:Notation
SousaCaroubelDipperMorleyParker MozartBachCaroubelWinter Find the beat and determine the tempo for each of these excerpts. beat = fundamental organizer of music recurs at regular time intervals tempo = # of beats/minute Rhythm = general term—applies to any regularly recurring events “the ordered flow of music through time”
meter = # of beats in a group accenting selected beats groups them rhythm = precise term for time-lengths of sounds and silences measured in beats or parts of beats. beat = fundamental organizer of music recurs at regular time intervals tempo = # of beats/minute Rhythm = general term—applies to any regularly recurring events “the ordered flow of music through time”
Duple meter Triple meter BackbeatWinter downbeat SousaCaroubelDipperMorleyParker MozartBachCaroubelWinter
RavelRavelTriple MozartMozartDuple BachBachDuple DowlandDowlandTriple ChopinChopinTriple(hint: very rubato!)rubato BrubeckBrubeckSeptuple!!(Duple + Duple + Triple) Rhythm More practice perceiving the beat and meter Click to look this up!
reinforce the feeling for beat and meterreinforce the feeling for beat and meter. lessen the feeling for beat and meterlessen the feeling for beat and meter, producing syncopation. Rhythm accents can…
1 2 3 | | | | Rhythm in musical notation bar line measure = musical container holding beats downbeat (remember this?) = first & most accented beat in each measure Staff
Communicates: pitch--highness or lowness in, below, or above the staff rhythm--appearance of notes and rests longer, slower moving shorter, faster moving Frère Jacques America Row, Row, Row Yankee Doodle Mary Had a Little
1.Read the syllabus thoroughly & fill out Syllabus Checklist. 2.Register on Connect Kamien. 3.Scan read Part I: Ch, 5, 6, 7 Part III: Ch 3, 10 4.Re-read/study Ch 1, 2, 3, 4 Learn musical term definitions. Practice naming instruments by sound. YouTube Gems Connect Kamien 3 practice tasks 5.Explore: Text--learn structure & organization. Connect Kamien McGraw-Hill Online Leaning Center D. W. Ritz's S.U. website