INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC THEORY Monday, September 4, 2012
TODAY: Music Sharing: Justin (CHS) Review: Rhythm Hierarchy, note values, & rest values How Music is Organized: Measures, Bar lines, & Double Bar Lines Time Signatures: 4/4 Time, 2/4 Time, & 3/4 Time ET2
HOW MUSIC IS ORGANIZED… Music is divided into equal parts by BAR LINES. The area between two bar lines is called a MEASURE or a BAR. A DOUBLE BAR is written at the end of a piece of music. It is made up of one thin and one thick line, with the thick line always on the outside. On a GRAND STAFF, the bar lines and the double bar pass through the entire staff.
TIME SIGNATURES The TIME SIGNATURE appears at the beginning of a piece of music immediately after the clef sign. A TIME SIGNATURE contains two numbers, one above the other. The upper number tells how many beats (or counts) are in each measure. The lower numbers tells what type of notes receives one beat.
4/4 TIME: In 4/4 time, the top number means there are 4 beats in each measure. In 4/4 time, the bottom number means that the quarter is receiving one beat. 4/4 time is also called “common time.” In 4/4 time, a QUARTER NOTE is equal to one beat. In 4/4 time, a HALF NOTE is equal to two beats. In 4/4 time, a WHOLE NOTE is equal to four beats.
2/4 TIME: In 2/4 time, the top number means there are 2 beats in each measure. In 2/4 time, the bottom number means that the quarter is receiving one beat. In 2/4 time, a QUARTER NOTE is equal to one beat. In 2/4 time, a HALF NOTE is equal to two beats. In 2/4 time, a WHOLE REST is used for a full measure of rest, even if there are only 2 beats in each measure. A HALF REST and a WHOLE NOTE are never used in 2/4 time.
3/4 TIME: In 3/4 time, the top number means there are 3 beats in each measure. In 3/4 time, the bottom number means that the quarter is receiving one beat. In 3/4 time, a QUARTER NOTE is equal to one beat. In 3/4 time, a HALF NOTE is equal to two beats. In 3/4 time, a WHOLE REST is used for a full measure of rest, even if there are only 3 beats in each measure. A HALF REST and a WHOLE NOTE are never used in 3/4 time.