Basics of Song Leading
Staff A staff is made up of: – Five horizontal lines – Four spaces 2Song Leading Basics
Pitch Pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet (A B C D E F G) 3Song Leading Basics Lines Spaces
Shaped Notes Seven-shape system using a “moveable do” system. Song Leading Basics4
Note Values Each note has a specific duration. Song Leading Basics5
Meter (Time) Meter is the regular recurring pattern of strong and weak beats of equal duration; also known as time. The meter or time signature in a musical composition is indicated by a fraction, and located at the beginning of a piece of music. The lower number of the fraction tells what kind of note receives one beat. The upper number tells how many beats are in a measure. Song Leading Basics6
Meter (Time) Continued… Song Leading Basics7 In simple meter the upper number is either 2, 3, or 4. Each beat is subdivided by two.
Meter (Time) Continued… Song Leading Basics8 In compound meter the upper number is either 6, 9, or 12. Each beat is a dotted note and subdivided into groups of three beats.
The ‘DO’ Note The ‘DO’ note will be the first note you blow on your pitch pipe. The ‘DO’ note is always the triangle note as illustrated below. Song Leading Basics9
The ‘DO’ Note Continued… Song Leading Basics10
Metronomes For singing practice at home use the following online metronomes: – – me.html me.html – metronome/free-online-metronome.html metronome/free-online-metronome.html – – – Song Leading Basics11
Things to Remember… Sometimes we sing all verses and then the chorus last. – The last note before the chorus is not always the same as the first note of the song (268 & 426). Sometimes the tempo will change in the middle of a song (455, 566). The song leader should be heard…yet not overpower. – Sing so the person in the back row can hear you. – Use your stomach muscles. Song Leading Basics12
Practice, Practice, Practice… Song Leading Basics13
Practice Songs Song Leading Basics14