SAS Doctors and the Royal Colleges Dr Amer Jafar, SAS Steering Group, Royal College Of Physicians /London
Career Development Job plan participation Meeting the time and service commitments in the job plans Meeting the personal outcomes in the job plan Participated satisfactorily in the appraisal process in accordance with the GMC’s requirements Undertaken 360 degree appraisal/feedback (in the year preceding threshold one)
Career Development: passing thresholds Job Plan review, Appraisal, and Supporting Professional Activities Doctors will continue to undertake annual appraisal and Job Plan review between Threshold One and Threshold Two, and continue to develop a portfolio of evidence in order to meet the criteria for Threshold Two: Royal Colleges role
Career Development and The CPD Threshold 2 recognizes that doctors working at this level will have acquired a higher skill level, experience and responsibility Doctors will have to have met the criteria for incremental progression and Threshold One and should be able to demonstrate an increasing ability to take decisions and carry responsibility without direct supervision: more involvement of the Royal Colleges Training and further educational activities: CPD, eCPD e Portfolio and e Appraisal tool kit!
contributions to a wider role Audit Committee work/ Representative work Innovation Management or leadership Teaching and training of other groups Service development and modernisation
The portfolio The portfolio will have 2 parts. The first part will include the formal documentation required for verifying that the pay threshold criteria have been met. The second part will contain personal evidence of skill development and experience
RCP London Experience Encourage SAS Physicians to use the RCP electronic CPD diary. A session about CPD diary and SAS portfolio should be included in any future SAS physician activity MSF designed to address SAS Doctors issues RCP database for SAS Physicians with their Thresholds Targeting the activities for SAS Doctors according to their thresholds and their needs RCP to liaise with deaneries and Trusts or LHB to achieve the above
Your SPA time Surveying SAS Doctors regarding the SPA time. Engaging SAS colleagues via the RCP web site. E-Modules for SAS Doctors and Space for academic and educational support through the web site, eg: forum, Case report, competitions for publications. Liaise with other medical societies to address the wider role of SAS Doctors in providing a better NHS service. ( My personal example of thrombolysing stroke patients and the BASP activities). Our own newsletter: SAS Physicians RCP London