Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) WOAP-IV 29 – 31 March 2010, Hamburg, Germany
GCOS supporting UNFCCC / SBSTA: SBSTA-31, Bonn, June 2009: Progress Report I GCOS Activities - Strategy
Developed Countries: improved climate observation capabilities, limited progress in resolving financial issues related to long- term continuity Developing Countries: limited (in-situ) progress, with decline in some regions, capacity building support remains small in relation to needs GCOS Progress Report Summary Satellite agencies : improved mission continuity and capability increasingly meeting climate needs Progress made, but: Many gaps persist, Continued engagement needed for coordinated implementation and long- term continuity Summary of progress on all 131 Actions in 2004 GCOS IP
At Bonn SBSTA 31 June 2009: Conclusion adopted by SBSTA-31 Invited to prepare an up-date of the IP before Nov 2010 including a cost break down. Invited to report on the provisional update at COP 15. GCOS Activities - Strategy
Report to COP 15, Copenhagen, Dec 2009 Decision “Systematic Climate Observations” SBSTA -33 November 2010, Mexico, Implementation Plan GCOS Activities - Strategy
Up-Date of the Implementation Plan Up-date of the Implemen. Plan (IP-10) Open for public review Nov 09 – Jan 2010 Assessment of comments Submission to UNFCCC, August 2010
Estimated global cost in addition to already existing observation systems US$ 2.1 billion per year Update of the GCOS Implementation Plan in Support of the UNFCCC
GCOS as part of GEOSS Recognized as climate component of GEOSS GCOS is Participating Organization. Plenary GEO-VI, in Washington, DC, Nov 2009: approval of a Strategic Target for climate observations. GCOS Activities - Strategy
Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate GCOS/WCRP AOPC Ocean Observation Panel for Climate GCOS/GOOS/WCRP OOPC Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate GCOS/GTOS/WCRP TOPC GEOSS
GCOS Activities - Atmosphere GCOS relationship to WIGOS WIGOS = WMO Integrated Observing System WIGOS climate observation activities are carried out as part of the cross-domain GCOS which WMO co-sponsors with IOC, UNEP and ICSU. EC WG WIGOS, March 2010 Draft Implementation Strategy, Concept of Operations
AOPC-XVI, April 2010, Geneva, WMO, Switzerland WIGOS Pilot Project GRUAN, ICM-2, 1-5 March 2010, Payerne, Switzerland GCOS Activities - Atmosphere
OceanObs September 2009, Venice, Italy Follow up Working Group: IFSOO-TT (Integrated Framework for Sustained Ocean Observations task team), teleconferences and face-to-face May 17-19, US. Progress in implementing the ocean observing system GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observation Panel for Climate OOPC-XIV, January 2010, Miami, FL, USA: Chairman: Eric Lindstrom (NASA) GCOS Activities - Ocean
GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate TOPC-XIII Chairman: Han Dolman (U Amsterdam) March 2010, Rome, Italy Progress in introducing standards for terrestrial ECVs (ISO) Report to UNFCCC SBSTA GCOS Activities - Land
Appointment of new Chairman of the GCOS Steering Committee: 1st January 2010: Dr. Adrian Simmons (ECMW; UK) Prof John Zillman ended his term on 31st December 2009 Transmission phase until 1st May 2010 GCOS Activities - Governance
GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observation Panel for Climate OOPC, 19 – 21 January 2010, Miami, FL. GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, TOPC, 10 – 11 March 2010, Rome, Italy. GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, AOPC, April 2010, Geneva, CH. GCOS Activities – Governance - Panels
GTOS Steering Committee 1 – 2 December 2009, Paris, France. WCRP JSC, 15 – 19 February 2010, Antalya, Turkey GOOS Steering Committee March 2010, London, UK. GCOS Steering Committee SC-XVIII, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2010, ?Geneva? Reporting to: WMO EC, 8 – 18 June 2010 IOC Assembly, 7 – 16 June 2010 GCOS Activities – Governance – Steering Committees
Global Framework for Climate Service GFCS World Climate Conference – 3 (31 Aug – 4 Sep 2009) Brief NoteConference Declaration Conference Statement
WCC-3 Statement The experts have called for major strengthening of the essential elements of a global framework for climate services: The Global Climate Observing System and all its components and associated activities; and provision of free and unrestricted exchange and access to climate data; The World Climate Research Programme, underpinned by adequate computing resources and increased interaction with other global climate relevant research initiatives. Climate services information systems taking advantage of enhanced existing national and international climate service arrangements in the delivery of products, including sector-oriented information to support adaptation activities; Climate user interface mechanisms focused on building linkages and integrating information, at all levels, between the providers and users of climate services; and Efficient and enduring capacity building through education, training, and strengthened outreach and communication.
Intergovernmental meeting for the High-Level Taskforce (11-12 January 2010) - report 1st Meeting of HLTF 25 – 26 February 2010 High Level Task Force - HLTF
Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Climate- sensitive Sectors Prediction & Information IPCC UNFCCC AdaptationMitigation World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Interface Global Framework for Climate Service - GFCS